End Times Prophecy Report #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt endtimesprophecyreport.com

Man is such a wicked, prideful being that (in his telling) his eventual demise is totally in his hands–not God’s.

This explains the two false (but popular) ‘Doomsday’ fables of “the nuclear holocaust” and “climate change“.

(‘Climate change’ was previously called “global warming” until the majority of people could no longer be convinced of the earth’s warming through man-made means)

Again: both of these fables put man’s demise in HIS hands.

And IF his demise is by the hand of man, then man’s salvation can also be by the hand of man.

Even in destruction, man wants to imagine that he is in control.

There are no end to deceived and deceiving men who blabber about the false problem of “climate change.” In most cases, they get paid very well to utter such nonsense.

Bill Nye demolishes climate deniers: “The single most important thing we can do now is talk about climate change.”

One of the phrases being promoted in the Corporate Media is “scientific consensus”

AS IF this is how truth is determined: by a vote of deceived and deceiving men. Majority rules.

Another phrase being flung about is “the science is settled.”

AS IF the thousands of scientific hoaxes, scandals, false ‘facts’ and frauds of the past weren’t also ‘settled’ at one time or another.

Bloodletting was settled science for over 2000 years.

The Corporate Media/mystery of iniquity has been blabbing about climate change for years.

Now the talk has become “We need to take ‘climate deniers’ out of the conversation.”
Again, wicked man will challenge the truth of God’s Word, even in his invented stories about his destruction.

EVEN those who argue AGAINST climate change (the ‘climate deniers‘) are promoting the lie by reasoning according to the world’s standards, not God’s.

The tales of man’s destruction the reader will see in the world’s Corporate Media are all tales of Man’s Destruction by Man.

This is a lie.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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