John Kaminski #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho
A massive hyperloop of self deception
upon which we crash into ourselves
trying to explain what they told us
What’s the worst thing you can think of? Looking into a mirror and seeing the face of Joe Biden leering back at you, chortling satanically!
It’s the fate of the world and your own destiny all rolled into one, absolutely shrieking at you that your life has been a misguided waste.
And you realize — you simply have to, if you have any brain whatsoever — that one day soon you will wake up and there will be no tomorrow.
So by now you know you have a swindled yourself out of a perfectly good life by all your demented false hopes.
It also teaches you the value of following the instructions of people that you thought you could trust, like doctors and presidents.
By now you know there is nothing left to do but to hug the ones you love and prepare to kiss your ass goodbye.
A long overdue task
Get a rope! We need to hang our leaders while we still can. By our inaction, we have given them permission to kill us. And if I need to tell you how to respond when you realize someone intends to murder you, then you are of no help to anyone, including yourself.
The world pretends toward nobility but sabotages its own mission with pragmatism. Shortcuts. Bribes. Illegal orgasms on the side. Just like any typical government employee, you hide the pornography in your desk and deny you never met Theo Epstein. And then your wife finds out.
The World Health Organization is Sky Net, that homicidal computer in the Terminator movies. Once artificial intelligence learned to hide from its creators, its algorithm secretly planned to kill us all.
Whether we put it in there or it invented itself is a question for the ages that will never be answered. Just like we can’t find the true power source of the pyramids or who it was who built them and what they were for.