On today’s edition of “The 700 Club,” Pat Robertson attempted to explain the difference between passages on war and killing in the Bible and the Quran. Robertson, who regularly cites Qur’anic verses as proof that Islam is an inherently violent and genocidal religion, said the main difference is that God commanded the mass killings found in the Bible in order to curb the corrupting influences of idol-worshipers, while violent acts in the Quran were ordered by Allah. “How can you say it’s not like the other? The other is in the name of Allah,” he reasoned. -
Good point, Pat.
... ... ... *pfftt*
++"Allah is the Arabic word for God, you air-breathing fuckwit."
... are you anaerobic? Because assuming you're not an alien that's mighty impressive.
Pat Robertson: "Violent acts in the Quran were ordered by *Allah*! While the mass killings found in the Bible were commanded by *God* in order to *curb* the *corrupting influences* of *idol-worshipers*!! That means the former is evil while the latter is good!"
Skeptic: "You do realize that any Muslim counterpart to you would be likely to say that Allah ordered the mass killings in the Qur'an to *curb* the *corrupting influences* of *infidels*! Making it good!"
Pat Robertson: "The difference is I know I am right!!"
No, both are in the name of God, silly. "Allah" is just the Arab word for "God". Jesus, if he existed at all, probably called Him "Eli".
Allah basically means "the God", as in capital G. Allah is the same character as Yahweh, you just don't accept the canonicity of the Quran is all. And while I agree that the Quran is worse in that there is no New Testament to revoke the violent orders (well, except the homophobic attitudes, and also no letter of the law will cease; Jesus was kinda wishy washy), whereas the Quran applies its violent commands to all people at all times, the character of the god portrayed in each is equally despicable. But you, Pat, you love your god. So you could never admit that.
Obviously, there is no difference between when Jehovah orders a genocide and when Allah orders one (in part because they're the same character, but mostly because they're both fictional). Well, except for the fact that the majority of "Allah's" followers are a little too brown and foreign for Patty's comfort zone, methinks.
They have cruxcifixes, pictures of Christ, Icons, little statues of any number saints, stained glass windows in their churches. They even worship relics in the form of body parts and bones of dead alleged saints yet they call the followers of other religions idol worshipers.
Allah commanded the killings in the Qur'an to remove idolatrous (or perceived idolatrous) influences.
See? Not so different, eh?
From my brief study of other religions back in High School, I know that Allah commands his followers to wage Jihad if their lives, their territory, or their religion were under attack.
From my lifetime of reading the bible, I know the bible preached the same dang thing. (The verse ordering men to pray for the lord and fight, as well as several calls to wipe out Israel's enemies)
So either they're both violent, or neither are violent. Take your pick.
What idol were those Samaritan unborn worshipping during that time in Hosea 13:16, Patty-boy...?!
...still, I guess selective amnesia about certain parts of the Bible that would cause you to [i]question[/i] your so-called 'Faith' is in no way the same as the cherry-picking you fundies equally rely upon for your very right to think the way you do, eh? [/hyper-sarcasm]
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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