Pat Robertson told a 700 Club viewer today that he has “grounds for divorce” because his wife is not having sex with him regularly, speculating that she was “molested as a child” and needs serious psychological counseling.
The viewer told Robertson that he has “only been intimate with my wife a handful of times” and that “she has no interest in the bedroom,” adding: “I believe the Bible says withholding sex is wrong. Correct me if I’m wrong.”
Robertson agreed that the Bible condemns withholding sex and wondered whether the viewer’s wife has “psychological problems” resulting from childhood sexual abuse.
He could have said to the husband to get help for his wife - if she has been molested - and she's not a sex slave to be dismissed when she don't want to have sex.
But, I forgot, it's the Rev. Robertson, from which kind words can't be expected.
And didn't Jesus ban divorce except in cases of adultery(see Matt. 19:9 )?
In Biblical law, he has the same obligations to give her sex, so she also has grounds for divorce. Secondly, a woman has grounds for divorce if she finds her husband sexually repulsive. On the other hand, the husband knew his wife when he married her and took her together with the psychological problems he says she has; if he believes they were caused before their marriage, he should not now cite them as grounds for divorce. Reconciliation is also a great mitzvah, and he ought to be working out the problems in his relationship rather than seeking divorce.
@ creativerealms
Divorce is only wrong in the New Testament. But as Pat Robertson and his viewer are Christians, divorce ought to be wrong for them.
Or maybe your personal hygiene has gone downhill, and she can't stand to be near you anymore?
Maybe she's tired from waiting on your sorry ass 24/7 and looking after your kids all day long?
Maybe she's developed some health problems that makes the sex act uncomfortable and painful?
Maybe you're just a dick who doesn't care about her happiness and pleasure so why should she care about yours?
Oops, sorry, I forgot, men are above reproach in the fundie world, so it couldn't possibly be his fault. My bad.
wondered whether the viewer’s wife has “psychological problems” resulting from childhood sexual abuse.
Because nobody should have psychological problems after being sexually abused, right Pat? Stay classy.
I blame Christianity for making people think that sex is dirty, wrong, and sinful, then having this woman and others like her being kicked to the curb for believing it.
Lets face it, if you're asking Pat Robertson for advice about anything, -except, maybe, how do you screw lots of money from the gullible-, then you're fucked enough.
One might also suspect that she has "psychological problems" resulting from spousal abuse...
What is the viewer doing to encourage his wife to want to be intimate with him more? It takes two to tango, after all. In a study made by Cambridge University, with men from seven different European countries, they found that men who regularly cook, clean the house, do the dishes, wash clothes, etc, were more happy and content with their lives than men who were less active, and they had fewer conflicts, both at work and in their private lives. When was the last time you made your wife a lovely dinner and let her relax afterwards with her feet up, while you did the dishes, Robertson viewer?
If psychology were this easy, then there wouldn't be any therapists (of the clinical or relationship oriented variety). You could just have some random preacher read a letter from an observer close to the patient, take everything they said as literally true, and then realize that they obviously had some sort of childhood trauma. No need to wonder if the observer might not be observing things correctly, if there might be complicated relationship issues, etc.
Nope. It was molestation. That's the only thing that ever causes psychological problems. Or, you know, atheism. Maybe, possibly Hinduism as well? Who knows.
Robertson agreed that the Bible condemns withholding sex
On the one hand:
1 Corinthians 7,4-5: "The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife.
Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control."
On the other hand: who gives a shit what the Bible has to say about anything?
What I don't get is...
First off, why hasn't he asked his wife about this? Why is he talking to freaking Pat Robertson?
Second, how did he not know this before getting married to her?
Is Pat auditioning for the Psychic Friends Network? Leave the armchair psychology to the quacks, Pat, and stick to what you know. It's obviously a case of demonic possession. A woman with her own Incubus or Dybbuk has no use for a husband. What the Hell is wrong with you, Pat?
What, the sex toy won't perform on command? It's obviously defective. Take it back to the store and demand they replace it.
Or you could treat your wife like a human being and find out from her what her problem is, instead of parading it in front of the world. Nah, you couldn't do that... too much like love.
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