Lance Wallnau #fundie

Trump-loving right-wing activist Lance Wallnau streamed a video on his Facebook page last Friday in which he declared that Rep. Adam Schiff “is a flippin’ nutjob” and fumed that in seeking to impeach President Trump, the Democrats are trying to “overturn the will of 600 million Americans,” which is quite a feat considering that the current population of the United States is roughly 330 million.

Wallnau was furious about Schiff’s performance during last week’s House Intelligence Committee hearing in which Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire was grilled about the whistleblower complaint regarding Trump’s effort to press the government of Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.

“Have you guys heard what this reprehensible character—I mean, the guy looks like he needs deliverance,” Wallnau said. “We can be compassionate and say, ‘Nero’s flippin’ crazy’ while he’s killing Christians. This guy is a flippin’ nutjob.”

“I was dumbfounded when I heard it,” he continued. “He said it was an interpretation of the transcript—an interpretation. A precedent-setting interpretation from an intelligence committee leader in order to set up the president for impeachment to overturn the will of 600 million Americans. This is the latest attack because that swampy, elite group … [wants] to take this man out.” (For what it is worth, Trump won just under 63 million votes in 2016, which is nearly 3 million fewer than Hillary Clinton received.)

“This is the battle of Western civilization,” Wallnau warned. “If Christians don’t wake up, they’re in for a rude awakening.”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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