HUUWHITES are superior simply because it's not possible to teach most of them that they are inferior just because they are white. Whites have so much natural pride, willpower, and self-esteem they will shake it off no matter what kind of (((tomfoolery))) you throw at them. As much as wignats complain about jewish trickery, at the end of the day, it's more of a mere annoyance to a white, as opposed to being an ACTUAL conquerable threat to their privacy, and way of life.
Compare that to any other race, they will eat up their own inferiority like Shaggy with the Scooby snacks. Even if asians "technically" have a higher IQ, just point at their cock, they are inferior cause they got tiny ones. Curries are inferior because they shit on the street. White people can rape curry women and turn around and say, "oh it's actually curry male culture that is rapey". Ethnic women stuck carrying on ethnic genes, are just fucking genetic dead-end bagholders to the cosmic spectrum of civilization, whereas it's only possible for HUUWHITES to be at the vanguard of it, THE ENTIRE FUCKING TIME. Non-white history is nonhistory. It's just fucking irrelevant. There's no fucking point. They should just burn every non-white history department down, because who the fuck cares???
If a white turns up onto the shores of a primitive land, they are just gonna completely rape, usurp, and enslave the native population within a matter of months-- they literally can claim to savages that they are immortal, and tribal chiefs will literally give up on the spot. That's how superior HUUWHITES are. A white can BLUFF their way into Godhood, and that bluff slowly dawned into just the goddamn truth.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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