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One thing i've not heard an answer to by evolution is where the food came from? Every creature needs food to finance it's energy usages. We humans have all the "keys" to open up all the different foods we eat and get the calories out. Thats how it works, on a lock/key kind of mechanism because burning the food won't get the calories out. how did all this food suddenly grow? This is a strong argument for design. These things need to be designed and won't arise by chance without a guiding hand over the lot. Isn't it also funny how alot of people enjoy eating food as God made a potentially annoying task of supplying ourselves energy and made it enjoyable?
answers on the evolution point of view would be appriecieated.
Someone let this idiot know that plants make their own food, and that there were plenty of producing organisms to eat before consuming organisms came about.
Also, let him know that the endorphine release caused by eating (i.e. "food is enjoyable") is explained easily by evolution.
Isn't it also funny how alot of people enjoy eating food ...
Yeah totally. It's so weird how consuming biomass in order to sustain our lives brings us pleasure...almost as if our bodies were conditioning us to continue the behavior that keeps it alive.
Could you atleast try to ask a hard question. No cross that. Could you atleast try to know what the fuck you are talking about before you open your mouth on it.
The Sacred Code of Fundies.
1. We must always debate against evolution despite the fact that we don't even understand what it is and that all our arguments against it have been disproven too many times to count. But nevermind all their "evidence" and big words created to throw us of, we know we're right because a book written by bronze age goat herders tells us so.
Humans don´t have all the keys to open up all the different foods they eat ;)
They´re lacking the "keys" to make use of cellulose, for example (unlike rudimantia for example, who are specialised in the use of vegetable food)
I thought your god made the plants before he made the sun? So, the plants were just there when everyone else came along. Don't you read your own bible?
Can you honestly be that ignorant? That blind? That...there aren't even words for the level of stupidity and making up of shit.
"One thing i've not heard an answer to by evolution is where the food came from?"
For plants it's photosynthesis.
Animals hunt and/or gather.
You fail pretty basic science.
Food was already there, waiting to be et. Various species developed various ways of eating this food.
That's the low IQ answer, is it sufficiently low...?
God made a potentially annoying task of supplying ourselves energy and made it enjoyable
No, it just seems that way, because you don't have to chase down deer in the forest with a crooked spear. Lets see if it's still enjoyable when you spend the better part of the day hunting and gathering.
Bacteria, archaea, and their predecessors didn't eat Big Macs. Even modern bacteria can eat toxic sludge, metals, radioactive isotopes and, most recently, Nylon. The first terrestrial life evolved to utilize the energy sources available. Ain't evolution elegant?
Exactly, how does evolution explain how humans are so perfectly designed to drink coconut milk?
Wait, .. evolution is imperfect.. Shit.
First of all, a "calorie" is just a unit of energy, so yes, burning the food, WILL release it.
*nom nom nom*
Ever occur to you that we get food from OTHER LIVING BEINGS!? And that not all living beings do the same, e.g. plants.
This is a strong argument in favor of the existence literate beanbags, capable of typing sentences on a keyboard, but not capable of any sort of logic.
Different organisms consider different things food. Lots of birds eat berries that would make us sick. Carrion would kill us, but hyenas eat rotted corpses all the time. Plants get their food from the sun and rain. There's bacteria that eat rock.
I have no idea what this lock/key bullshit is your talking about.
One thing i've not heard an answer to by evolution is where the food came from?
Nowhere. It never happened.
how did all this food suddenly grow?
Plants are known to grow there own food. Animals eat plants. Sunlight helps grow more plants.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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