AsleepMaterial & RareSorbet #sexist

Re: GenderCritical

What do you think of that sub?

I like their peak trans threads. A lot of the world is kowtowing to moids who simply say they are women, and that supposedly is the end of that discussion. Like even bringing up how a disproportionate number of trans are narcissists, have horrible abhorrent views on women, and who become "trans" after being addicted to anime sissy trap porn is taboo as fuck now. It's like they have a force field that deflects and contorts any criticism.

Calling them the "mirror of incels" would be pretty dismissive though, a lot of them have been actually abused both physically and mentally by men, or grew up around women who were. The worst thing that happened to an average dry dick incel is there wasn't enough thin white becky and stacies to go around lmao, or they were bullied by MEN. I'm not surprised to see incels screaming bloody rage over being subjected to the same hate and generalizations that they give to women though lmfao.

That said, G_C is cliquish and a lot of posters are major assholes who would probably scream in your face IRL if you said a misogynistic joke. I guess they have to be since the entire world pretty much hates their idealogy (trans target them, men target them because they dont like the idea that porn ruined their brain, liberals hate them for not supporting sex workers and trans, conservatives dont like that they are pro choice, etc etc)

I don't agree with them when it comes to trans women. Though I do understand the subs definition of "gender" being just sex ie male, female. And gender being social.

What I love about the sub is that they're open to questioning and discussing everything. In more liberal feminist circles, make-up, porn, potentially dangerous kinks, sex work and Islam are strictly off limits. Talking about gendered trends and origins is apparently the same as calling a woman evil for participating? I personally feel that Feminism is more about liberation than just choice, I choose to wear make-up from time to time but it has nothing to do with liberation. It doesn't help anyone other than myself. Heck, it doesn't even help me. I chose to spend money on it when that could have been put in a savings account, I just enjoy different shades of purple.

Then there's the fact that you can genuinely talk about international women's rights without anti-feminist men, who don't care about those women, using them as an anti-feminist chess piece. They don't pander to Islamic patriarchy like a lot of liberal feminists do under the guise of "intersectionality."

They have nothing to do with incels. I know the drama sub jokingly calls them femcels but it doesn't really make sense, they always talk about their boyfriends and ex's.



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