Jimjoebob #wingnut #magick #ufo #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

We all hear it … all the time. Sure.

Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of years and we are still being told to trust in a plan we only think we know something about. It’s more like the blind leading the blind as far as I’m concerned.

Think about it. History has been hijacked a long time ago. Anyone who professes to know the true history of this planet I just ignore. We only get bits and pieces of true history. Most people will just swallow information about it if it comes from some religious context or some channeling. Bashar is as close as I’ll come to believing in some of it. But … .

Cloak and dagger is mostly what is found … secret societies, lost and found old texts carved on stone or clay tablets or old skins or cave paintings. I’m not saying everything is a scam, but I’m still not thoroughly convinced of most. Greg Braden is pretty convincing, however. I do trust him out of most. Indigenous peoples around the world with similar stories I will listen to seem valid enough. But true history is elusive in complete context.

Now, as far as trusting a plan from religious contexts is concerned, I’m not buying most of it.
Another thing … just exactly how many times has this planet been right where we are at this juncture? Hmm? Every 26,000 + years we start all over again. Many have said this is the final and 5th time civilizations have come to this point in Earth history. How many other 5th and final times have come and gone through countless 26,000 year cycles? Hmm? I wonder.
I would love to be wrong. But, when I look at the world as it is and where it’s headed and how many billions of people are going to perish by the time it’s over, I’m not really impressed with any plan whether it’s religious prophesy or not or whether it’s an inspired plan conjured up by men and women influenced by higher dimensional beings or even a Creator who seems to be more interested in following His script to the letter, regardless of how many lives are lost.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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