Issy Dickinson #transphobia #sexist

It is well known that abusers, groom everyone around them, not just their victims. This country and it’s people are being groomed to accept pseudoscience that people can change sex if they want to and that men who fetishize women are the most oppressed. Stonewall UK has been groomed by Trans Rights Activists and so have LGBTQ organizations and Pride. They have been groomed by Trans Identified Males, who identify as “lesbians” and whose greatest desire is to have sex with real lesbians, dismissing lesbians’ boundaries, in order to validate themselves.

Lesbians, in turn have been groomed, especially the really young ones, to believe that trans women are really women and that their penises, are in fact “ladydicks”, or “clits on a stick”, as they have been marketing them. These men are sexual abusers. Trans Rights Activists have groomed the country, organizations, politicians and the media, into believing that one can change sex and that a child can be “born in the wrong body”.

They have introduced paedo-culture into mainstream LGBTQ culture with the likes of drag-kids, who have been highly sexualized by and for adult men- men who identify as women. Abusers are active at Pride events, actively encouraging children to be hateful towards older lesbians, who won’t be coerced or harassed into having sex with Trans Identified Males (TIMs). They have groomed these children and young people to push away their own safeguarding protections and despise them. Women are the natural protectors of children,

Pedophiles now calling themselves, Minor Attracted Persons (MAPs) ate emerging from the shadows, where they have been lurking for decades to attach themselves to LGBTQ events and organizations, to have unchallenged access to children. We are ALL being groomed to accept these things and then wonder why there has been a huge leap in the number of teenage girls seeking gender reassignment and binding their breasts to prevent unwanted male attention. They are seeking a way out of their female, sexual oppression and lesbianism

Homophobic parents are encouraging their gender non-conforming children into sexual transition, to hide their probable homosexuality or lesbianism. They are grooming their children to “trans the gay away”, rather than have the embarrassment of a butch lesbian daughter, or an effeminate gay-boy. Most female detransitioners are lesbians! And report that they were always lesbians, but couldn’t cope with their sexuality, or their families homophobia. This upsurge of grooming the public, but in particular women, lesbians and gender non-conforming children, emanates from Queer Theory that underpins Transgender ideologies, pedophile acceptance and the male abusers it attracts.

We have all been groomed and desensitized to this abuse of children, lesbians and women. Queer Theory is ultimately a Men’s Sexual Rights movement that promotes increasingly violent, obscure and illegal sex. It is men and men who identify as women, who gain the most.-the domination of women and children. However, Trans Identified Males would have you believe that they are the most oppressed demographic in this county. In the main they are white, middle-class males, who have been raised with huge privileges overall groups in society and whose sense of entitlement is very evident. Truth is, that they are “identifying” into women’s and lesbians’ oppression. It is a case of the oppressors, claiming and appropriating oppression.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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