I believe the spirit of perversion will rush in like floodwaters through a broken dam. In fact, the Holy Spirit gave me a prophetic word earlier this week before I even saw this Cosmo spot, and I’ll be sharing more about that after I’ve prayed it through. It’s important to remember that we’re not wrestling flesh and blood. Principalities, powers and other demonic forces are at play in this perversion.
We need to separate the personalities from the principalities. In other words, we need to pray that these so-called trannys and those enthralled by this perversion will come to Jesus. But we also need to stand and withstand, sound the alarm, and protect the next generation from the seeds that magazines like Cosmo are planting in young minds. God have mercy.
Principalities? What princes have enraged the AFA* now?
If God wants the trannies to come to him, he ought to send out an invitation or something. Due to the way he (supposedly) created them, I bet they don't feel that welcome in his gang...
Btw, why should they come to Jesus? Can't he come to them?
Protect the next generation from the seed of what? Being born in a body of one gender, but with the mind of the other gender? It's sort of too late, isn't it? They are already born...
*(Fun, and completely irrelevant, fact: In Sweden AFA stands for Anti-Fascist Action. An organization on the "leftest" edge of the Left wing.)
"In fact, the Holy Spirit gave me a prophetic word earlier this week "
I asked the Holy Spirit if he gave you a prophetic word. He told me he never talks to you.
Ah yes, the old "prophetic vision" straight from God. How can anyone argue against it? Unfortunately, every single divine revelation anyone's ever had always aligned 100% with what that person believed.
But I'm willing to bet that there is no more "perversion" now than there was 50 or 100 years ago, it's just that it's no longer kept hidden like it was back then.
The Holy Spirit spoke to you? Did he or she mention what it was like doing Mary? And if they did, how does the Holy Spirit feel about being an absentee father?
And does "coming" to (or on) jebus somehow change those who are transvestites? Do they become untransvestites? Or do they received a different fashion sense? Because there are a lot of trannies who go to church every sunday and pray to the gob. Or are their prayers unvalid (or are you one of those mote-beam guys?)
In fact, the Holy Spirit gave me a prophetic word earlier this week before I even saw this Cosmo spot
What a coincidence! The holy spirit talked to me the week before this got posted here and told me that he was just messing with you. You can't prove that didn't happen, therefore it certainly did.
Principalities, powers and other demonic forces are at play in this perversion.
Oh, just admit that the world is passing you by and you have no idea how to cope.
Okay, I got it. You are constantly wrestling with the Demon of Perversion, you seem to be losing, and you have no energy for anything else. You can either give in to it or get therapy, but don't expect the rest of us to waste our time on your hangups.
@ Thinking Allowed
The wife caught you again in the bathroom with her new magazine did she?
The bra ads in the Sears catalogs, and National Geographic issues about the half naked natives required a lot of study to "pray through" the evil.
I confess; the devil made me fap once.
Maybe twice...I was weak. I was 12. Gimme a break.
We need to separate the personalities from the principalities.
Principalities are run by princes; that's what makes them... principalities.
Fundies. Heralding Cosmo as a portent of the End Times since 1965.
Which is exactly the oppositie of what I've heard from a friend, Valerie, who has some inside understanding on the matter. She has told me she prefers to challange the use of gender slurs by making them her own, using words and phrases such as genderfucker, tranny, shemale, heshe and so on.
Still, not being a transvestite, I bow to those who have greater knowledge about these things.
"I don't think anyone under 45 reads Cosmo."
I'm 44 now; does that mean I have to start reading it in August, or is it only "a few people over 45, but none under 45"? (Hoping for the second option...)
H'mmm (Thrones) Principalities and Powers are orders of angels - not demons.
@ Old Viking - "Don't give him your name, Pike!"
" In fact, the Holy Spirit gave me a prophetic word earlier this week before I even saw this Cosmo spot, and I’ll be sharing more about that after I’ve prayed it through."
Let me guess. Was the word, "idiot?"
"In fact, the Holy Spirit gave me a prophetic word earlier this week"
What is it with gods and middlemen? If they wants us to know something why can't they just tell us themselves?
In fact, the Holy Spirit gave me a prophetic word earlier this week
Was it "bird"? Bird is the word.
before I even saw this Cosmo spot
Why were you reading Cosmo? And why an article about tranny porn?
In other words, we need to pray that these so-called trannys and those enthralled by this perversion will come to Jesus.
I was under the impression he didn't like people like me. Though I wouldn't describe myself as being enthralled by any perversion.
Jeez- the woman that wrote the article looks more like the prototypical "dude in a dress".
Maybe she's pissed off that some transsexuals actually LOOK like women and SHE would be the one getting all the second looks and weird stares.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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