American Family Association #fundie

I believe the spirit of perversion will rush in like floodwaters through a broken dam. In fact, the Holy Spirit gave me a prophetic word earlier this week before I even saw this Cosmo spot, and I’ll be sharing more about that after I’ve prayed it through. It’s important to remember that we’re not wrestling flesh and blood. Principalities, powers and other demonic forces are at play in this perversion.

We need to separate the personalities from the principalities. In other words, we need to pray that these so-called trannys and those enthralled by this perversion will come to Jesus. But we also need to stand and withstand, sound the alarm, and protect the next generation from the seeds that magazines like Cosmo are planting in young minds. God have mercy.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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