Kym Francis & Julie Smith #transphobia

RE: How not to argue. A response to taln0reich

(Kym Francis)
When I was doing my Master’s degree, in 2013-2015 the degree was in behavioural & health sciences (specialising in disabilities & mental health). I did a subject on sexuality & people with disabilities. The précis of the unit described the theoretical & behavioural implications & proposed to suggest discussion on strategies for people to use to to support people with disabilities to explore their sexuality & to seek mutually beneficial relationships. My expectations of the lecturer was that they were going to have professional experience in that sector & to be politically neutral; I couldn’t have been more wrong. Unfortunately the lecturer was a trans man & he used that subject to promote his ideology. I was utterly confused & I actually questioned my values because of that person. My values were completely stomped on & I was gas lighted so badly that I questioned my motivation for completing that course. Fortunately I passed the subject (just) & I never had to encounter that individual again.
I’ve always considered myself as an advocate of the principles of social justice & I have spent a long career advocating for the rights of people & to have my career diminished & reduced to a 12 week course was extremely confronting. That was my first experience of the revolting agenda of trans men.

(Julie Smith)
When someone tells you the emperor has fine clothes on and you can see they don't they are buck naked then believe in yourself. Always. Good you pulled through. It's like an experiment in a class. All the kids were told to raise their hands in agreement that a statement was true when it was in fact a lie. All but one student was in on it. When they all raised their hands this student didn't but looked round and was uncomfortable he stood out as the only one until eventually he started to raise his hand even tho he knew it was a lie. !! Peer pressure wanting to fit in and too young to stand and say you are ALL wrong. This what trans are doing and people like them pushing their ideology and using their captive audience to indoctrinate and not in fact the correct curriculum. It's happening in USA and in our schools now. I'm glad yo came through



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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