The evidence is all around, but you are suppressing it with theories like evolution. It's also in the Bible, a historical document, which you may not believe; but in order to back up the statement that you made earlier (re: me talking nonsense where faith is concerned), you need to prove that what I said is not in the Bible.
" It's also in the Bible, a historical document, which you may not believe"
There are events described in the Harry Potter books, which are historical documents, which you may not believe, but that's because you are an ignorant nonbeliever lost in muggle darkness.
No, Spuddie, if you claim something is true it's up to YOU to prove it. The bible is a historical document? Well, only in the sense that it was written down long, long ago. Written by people that
(1) were not scientists,
(2) were not familiar with any part of the world except their own little corner,
(3) recognized really tall tales as metaphorical stories for children, and
(4) were pretty gullible about believing supernatural claims, not unlike yourself.
The evidence is all around, but you are suppressing it with theories like evolution.
"The evidence is all around"
Like what?
"It's also in the Bible"
It is solely in the Bible, a fairy tale book. Now, like fairy tales, some parts may have some basis in reality (wolves eating people, little girls bringing stuff to Grandma, or parents deliberately losing their children in the woods...), but most of it is simply storytelling.
“The evidence is all around, but you are suppressing it with theories like evolution.”
Evolution, like all science, is neutral on the supernatural. It doesn’t hide or promote gods. It just lists what happened according to the physical record.
"It's also in the Bible, a historical document,”
Historians don’t really like written records that are of unknown origin. Nothing in Matthew, for example, tells us Matthew wrote it. Or who did. Or when. Or for what purpose. It’s not acceptable for historical work.
Or, for example, the first five books are attributed to Moses, right? Which includes the description of his funeral.
"which you may not believe;”
Not often i put trust into a book about Flat Earth, no.
"but in order to back up the statement that you made earlier (re: me talking nonsense where faith is concerned), you need to prove that what I said is not in the Bible.”
If you’re quoting the bible to an atheist, you’re talking nonsense even if it is in there.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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