I'm seeing that Atheism is becoming a religion and that the horoscope magazines are teaching that the Bible was written to "make people submit" philosophy...
Thus, they are taking prayer to new heights of criticism and judgement: taking people to court!
so as Christians we need to bind this activity of atheism in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. And beware of them.
In what way is atheism becoming a religion? Does it have gods, dogma, holidays?
Horoscope magazines?
Yes, the Bible was clearly written to subdue the masses. What philosophy has to do with it, I don't know.
Taking people to court over prayer? Whut?
@ Malingspann
Yup, I'm an avid non-gamer. I spend hours and hours not playing games every day. Soon we will be starting a YUGE a-gaming convention.
Atheism. "A"-theism. The meaning is WITHOUT religion, NO religion, which makes it NOT a religion, you ignorant fool. Before we get down to discussing the matter, we are going to have to agree upon a common language. You can't make up your own definition and then claim facts based upon that definition. That's like little infants that babble baby talk to each other, without grasping the fact that there is supposed to be some meaning to the communication.
I'm seeing that Atheism is becoming a religion
Would be like NOT playing video games becoming a form of gaming
Well, considering what happens that the end of "DOOM IV"...:
...that would be the wisest choice for the likes of Annie here.
Because what Dr. Samuel Hayden now possesses as a result of Hell being conquered: and his knowledge of interdimensional travel...! >:D
In Soviet Mars, immortal android binds your J-boy.
Atheism is not a religion... how many times must people say that?
It's like these morons can't get it through their heads that other people have different beliefs.
Also, since one may be finding me a new job, I think I'm fine with atheists. People are people.
Atheism is becoming a religion
Yes! And not believing in Santa Claus, i.e. aclausism, is also becoming a religion, as are aleprechaunism (not believing in leprechauns) and afatadentalisism (not believing in the tooth fairy). Rumor has it, a group of zealous afatadentalis'sts are building a church in Molar, Colorado. Ironic, isn't it.
These clowns have been attempting to describe secular humanism as a religion for years in an attempt to utilize the establishment clause to remove it from school just as as formal teaching of Xtianity has been judged to be government endorsement of that particular faith. The same groups have lately been claiming that Islam is not a religion, but a sociopolitical ideology, in an attempt to nullify the constitutional protections Muslims are entitled to under the same establishment clause. Anybody see a pattern?
@Man Called True
Wups, my bad. XP
I thought everyone knew what happens in "DOOM IV" by now, with the number of reviews, playthrough videos on YouTube etc; it being around since last year and all...!
(*Points BFG 9000 at head...! *) X3
I'm seeing that Atheism is becoming a religion
And I see many religious turning atheist.
@ Thinking Allowed
Horoscopes are written daily, mainly for entertainment. Most people I know read them for a laugh.
I used to read them for yucks and realized that each one might apply to any and all of the other signs.
They are a lot like Chinese fortune cookies.
You know Atheists tend to dismiss astrology as bunkum, right?
Also; If you don't believe in/worship anything, it's not a religion.
Frums and Fashies are weirdos.
Have you ever cast an actual chart? Yeah, those magazines are a joke.
Astrology and numerology are referenced numerous times throughout the Bible, by the way, since they were quite commonly practiced in many parts of the world in past eras.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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