Thanks for answering the question.
God created all life, so if He says a bat is a bird then a bat IS a bird.
If you tell me your son's name is Boris, and I call him Stanley...who is correct?
In other words, I trust God knows what He's doing.
Your evolution scientists can come up with their own classifications in order to "corroborate" their version of the truth, but in the end I'll take the creators word over yours.
Actually you are putting your trust in mortal men who lived thousands of years ago. Either they wrote down what god told them to the letter, they filled in gaps of what he told them with their own misinformation about the world, or they wrote it all themselves, again with misinformation. Given that they wrote that a bat is a bird, (for starters) I have this strange feeling that it's not the former.
Okay let's go over this again.
A bat is a mammal. It evolved from rodents. It is warm-blooded, is covered in fur, gives birth to live young, and produces milk.
A bird is an avian. It evolved from dinosaurs and is it's own phylum. Birds are also warm-blooded, but are covered in feathers, have scales, and lay amniotic shelled eggs.
Clearly they are not the same thing.
God created all life, so if He says I am He, then I clearly am . And if I am God, and God created all life, if I say I am God, then clearly I must be.
I get it - A bat flies; therefore, it is a bird.
A whale swims, therefore, it is a fish.
An ostrich doen't fly; therefore it is an ungulate.
An idiot spouts complete nonsense; therefore, it is... Well, it's still an idiot.
Cart before the horse award. A bat is a mammal, warm blooded, gives birth to live young, produces milk, et al. People, non fundies atleast knew this long before the theory of evolution.
in the end I'll take the creators word over yours
I would too, if I knew what it was. What does that have to do with the BS in the Bible?
The Bible says a bat is a bird:
Choice 1: God is stupid. He doesn't know the difference between a mammal and a bird.
Choice 2: The men who wrote the Bible were stupid. They didn't know the difference between a mammal and a bird.
Choice 1 - define God to agree with the Bible; Choice 2 - define the Bible to agree with God.
"If you tell me your son's name is Boris, and I call him Stanley...who is correct?"
If I tell you my son is a fish and he looks, sounds and tastes like a human to you ... who is correct ???
If you tell me your son's name is Boris, and I call him Stanley...who is correct?
If all his friends call him Stanley, if he answers to Stanley, if his passport says he's Stanley... why, then you would be correct.
And if he makes this bat without the characteristics of a bird, who's to believe?. By the way, God didn't call a bat a bird. He just created it. The ones who made this "classification" were, go figure, the shepperds without any scientific knowledge who wrote the Bible.
The Ridger wrote: "And I guess grasshoppers do only have four legs, too."
Hey, God invented numbers right? We should trust God's word about what one-more-than-five is!
Well fine then. The next time you and I are talking about bats and birds you can call them bats all you want. In the mean time, I'm going to have a cold one with Boris because Stanley is a closed minded, arrogant, self righteous pig of a man that isn't even willing to consider anything outside of his own religous pervue.
"God created all life, so if He says a bat is a bird then a bat IS a bird."
Sure thing. But what about the fact that a bat is not a bird?
God created all life, so if He says a bat is a bird then a bat IS a bird.
*facepalm* The 'Goddidit' mentality.
Also known as the 'I'm too stupid to figure out science' mentality.
If you tell me your son's name is Boris, and I call him Stanley...who is correct?
Me, I'm correct.
Your evolution scientists can come up with their own classifications in order to "corroborate" their version of the truth, but in the end I'll take the creators word over yours.
No, sir. You'll take the words of a bunch of sexist bigots who existed over a thousand years ago, over mine. Get it right.
The Hebrew word translated as "bird" in Leviticus 11 is `owph .
The definition of `owph , from my handy-dandy Hebrew concordance, is:
1) flying creatures, fowl, insects, birds
a) fowl, birds
b) winged insects
So ... Leviticus 11:19 does not say that a bat is a BIRD. It says that a bat is a kind of flying creature, nothing more.
The insects-have-four-legs thing, though, is another story entirely....
"If you tell me your son's name is Boris, and I call him Stanley...who is correct?"
Why the fuck would you call my son Stanley? WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING? I called the cops seven times this month for you to leave him...oh wait. I don't have a son.
Props to tracer....
So - God did not actually call a bat a bird - he called it a 'flying thing' - which is fair enough.
But, because it says so in the fucking Babble, you bunch of clownshoe, asshat, numbnutted windowshitters go around insisting that a bat is a bird.
This tells me much about your character.
Well, that would depend on the name of this hypothetical son, wouldn't it? Unless, of course, you mean my actual son, in which case we would both be wrong, because he doesn't exist.
Thanks for the actual early words.
If these guys are so wound up by the origional words why don't they insist upon those? Why is the first English (and proven inaccurate or argued over by real, scholared BIBLICAL translators) the REAL, LITERAL designation or meaning?
it's not a in-depth, researched and vetted publication, your Bible booky. It's badly translated myth.
It never has or never will be any more valid, historical nor better for mankind then Snow White
"God created all life, so if He says a bat is a bird then a bat IS a bird.”
it’s so CUTE how the same people who will die for the concept that MARRIAGE is DEFINED as 1MAN and 1WOMAN, are pretty laissez-faire on the definition of bird.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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