That's typical liberal spin bs. Your dumb@ss Muslim jumps Roberts before he even gets the first sentence out, then he f*cks up his line and freezes! He just couldn't bring himself to say he would execute the office of POTUS "FAITHFULLY" because he won't. His allegiance is to Allah, Africa, and Muslims. Busted!
And Obama did say faithfully. He just said it out of order.
It's not a big deal, especially since he retook the oath just to be sure.
Oh yeah, it's a big deal because you're an idiot.
"If they will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them."
- Adlai Stevenson, on Republicans.
Both of them messed up, but they redid it so that idiots like you wouldn't have a reason to question it.
And as President of the United States of America, Obama's allegiance should be to this country and to the Constitution. Not to the Bible. Not to the Koran. Not to you and your twisted beliefs.
To borrow a rejoinder from Chevy Chase, "I'm president of the United States, and you're not." No matter how much Chuckie and his co-conspirators spit and fume and whine, President Obama can have a ready answer: Ha ha ha ha ha.
Allegiance to Africa? WTF? Does Chickie think Africa is one country, or just that all countries in Africa have the same culture, and Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran and Iraq are also in Africa?
Oh well, I already wasted more time thinking about it than was worth. You owe me, Chickie.
Quite frankly, I couldn't care less if he farted the oath in form of Zwahili Morse code with his dick wrapped in a Playboy!
He became President at 12:00PM on 1/20, oath or no oath. It's just theatrics without any real meaning.
Roberts fucked the line up the in the first place, and Obama's hesitation was a result of that. Obama did screw it up when he finally said it, but the fact remains that Roberts was the one who knocked him off guard in the first place.
At any rate, who fucking cares? Heaven forbid he misspeak on one occasion... at least he doesn't pull a George W. Bush every time he opens his mouth.
Off topic, but it says on that website
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As of 12pm EST on January 20, 2009, whether he took the oath or not, whether he used the Bible or not, even if he was boning his wife in the Lincoln bedroom, he's President of the United States. So blow me.
Why even bother? Everyone knows what "Muslim" used to describe Obama is a codeword for (and if you don't it's not too hard to figure out) so just say what you're thinking.
If fluffing his lines once makes him a baddie, Bush must be Satan incarnate.
As soon as I saw that happen, I knew they were going to be all over it.
I'm amazed that this is the first comment I've seen about it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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