Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy
For about a decade, Guardian Host would point to the Family of Michael histories with Michael Wars and the assorted stolen technologies from Aldebaran that have been outfitted into the 9D stargate located in Antarctica, and the transmission would be “Red Skies at Night” (resonating to the lyrics of a song by the Fixx circa 1982) for verification of these covert operations. A final conflict battle that would be coming involving the lineages of the covert German Esoteric Societies or Black Sun Nazi’s from World War II. The future timeline event was the continuation into completion of the Michael Wars from space that was finally going to manifest on the planetary surface to complete the warring cycle of the Luciferian Rebellion. It would come with threats of nuclear war being connected to the Armageddon software agendas of the NAA to incite World War III, and that event is the eventual catalyst for the Collective Awakening Event.
This is exactly the time and space we find ourselves straddling at this particular stage of surreal spiritual warfare. On the periphery, and sometimes during full defense posture, there have been Guardian liberation projects ongoing with confrontation of Secret Space colonies that have been major manufacturing hubs for enslaving human souls in biological drone bodies as worker slaves. Recon keeps leading back to their source directives and originations, taking orders from the NAA big archontic bosses that are stationed in the underground bases around the south pole and lodged in the 9D stargate of Antarctica.
We have been assured several times that there will not be another cataclysmic surface event as there has been in the past with several floods or ice age destructive resets (i.e. think Mud Flood). But that this time, it was the final battle to end the Luciferian Rebellion history as connected to the family of Michael holocaust, and that we would evade the planned ‘great reset’ through surface cataclysms as connected to RED SKIES.