An old man and two young women nude in bed. Woman 1: "Grandpa -- you're [u]back[/u]! Thank You Jesus!" Man: "You bet I am!" Woman 2: "What a wonderful dream!" Image NSFW
Apparently, the "Children of God" is an incestuous sex cult, and this is some of their older in-group propaganda. The girls in the upper picture who call him "grandpa" mean that literally. The lower picture is apparently part of a something meant to instill paranoia about outsiders, especially in children.
The top panel WTF?
The rest is weird cult-like paranoia raising stuff.
Ok @Zinnia just read your explanation, now i feel slightly sick in my stomach. If thats older it was probably used as propaganda on some child and did harm, it's like looking at 1930's nazi propaganda on jews.
Red Letter Media has one video where they were reviewing their one VHS tape they released. They were a set of music videos. This was when they were known as the Family International.
This is an English translation of their one song (it was originally released in Japan), probably their most (in)famous:
The first pic will piss off a lot of fundies: good!
Which makes one wonder how this bunch of nutballs can still continue to exist without they being persecuted by mainstream Conservative Chrisianity, never mind the IRS.
The first picture is from Heaven's Children , "Grandpa Goes to Earth", pg. 392
@Grandpa Goes to Earth
65. AT FIRST I AM A LITTLE CONCERNED ABOUT WHO MARIA MIGHT BE SLEEPING WITH, & that I might be somewhat affected by someone else’s presence in the bed, even as we make love in her dreams. But lo & behold, I am to discover that it is Techi who is sleeping with Maria! Instead of competition, here are both of my two lovely lovers in bed together!
67. THEN I TURN TO TECHI, & SHE TOO IS DREAMING OF MEher dear old Grandpa-lover! She had always said that when she grew up she only wanted to marry me & have my children! Of course, as there are no longer any such thing as Man's legalistic laws against incest in the loving Kingdom of God, everyone loves everyone & is completely free in His all-encompassing Love ! So I make wonderful, sweet, precious love to my now beautiful teenaged Techi! She seems thrilled & delighted with having this wonderful love-dream with Grandpa, excited & satisfied that she has some time, even in her dreams, with her long-beloved Grandpa! (Psa.84:11)
To clarify, Techi is his step-daughter.
The second piece is extracted from Kidz Mop , aimed to the children of the members, and especially the sections on security.
The Family/Children of God had official policies about lying to outsiders about activities and preserving secrecy, and even today, the names of some of the higher ups aren't still available while all communications use PGP. "The Family still cannot be fully frank" , said Lord Justice Ward.
All in all, both pictures illustrate the main foundations of this cult: literal rape culture and extreme secrecy.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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