Kajm #wingnut deviantart.com

I've been saying this for a long time and the proof has come out in this election just past: the Left is all about FEAR.

In another person's journal here on DA I saw one example of it (and my apologies to that person for repeating it here without asking): One of his (her?) in-laws, apparently someone fairly young and indoctrinated in FEAR, stated that they believed a drone would be coming to put a bullet in her head the day Trump is inaugurated.

It seemed a bit much to me. I don't know. I've been saying for several years now that they are teaching children to live in FEAR of the weather. I expect the day to come when older, more informed people such as myself are making a stop somewhere along the road- and the Millennials who might be at that stop, are quaking in FEAR because of the light rain coming down outside- because a tornado might whip out of it and kill them all on the spot (despite the FACT that tornado numbers keep falling as the world warms- you kinda need COLD air masses to mix with the warm...). 'man-made' global warming, dontchaknow. Another FEAR tactic.

And I have noticed that since Trump won, the SJW types have gotten increasingly ugly in tone. I've blocked a whole series of the scum since the last two weeks. One had the courtesy to block me before-hand, because he knows I can blow away any argument he has to make- although most of his arguments consist of screaming the same things over and over and over and over and over and over and over- well you get the point. He doesn't know much and that is because the Elites have done quite well in dumbing down much of the Millennial generation.
My apologies to those Millennials who can actually think for themselves - you Know who you are. I talk to a lot of you.

In any case I wished to bring in a snippet of the following article from American Thinker, to back up what I have just been saying.

These things are Obvious to us. While they are completely Oblivious to them.

'Watching the Snowflakes Melt'

'Watching videos of SJWs, black, white and oh so very red, has struck me with something I hadn’t noticed before. Many of these poor kids are genuinely scared. We’ve been using the word “indoctrinated” for years, but seeing the results of the indoctrination on their faces is horrifying nevertheless. I came of age in the Reagan era. Liberal kids back then disliked Ronald Reagan, maybe even hated him -- but they didn’t think either his election or his reelection meant that they were going to die. Many of the current crop of snowflakes really do believe the end is nigh. They are dangerous in the way that cornered animals are dangerous -- well, at least they may be when they can manage to stop crying.

Facts, thank God, are facts. There is no serious question of who has the better grasp of reality here. The evidence that right and truth are on our side is overwhelming. The progressives themselves confirmed the authenticity of the Wikileaks emails on at least three occasions. We can point at DNC involvement in the rioting -- we have video. Progressives, on the other hand, have little but rhetoric and accusations. The sudden parade of women who claimed to have been molested by Donald Trump. The Muslim student who claimed to have been threatened on the street. The anonymous swastika spray-painted on a wall somewhere. Trump said occasional bad things. Hillary really did bad things. The saying and doing are different, at least in a sane world. However, if you are twenty years old, systematically educated to find reasons to be offended, and tucked into the comfortable safe space of your echo chamber -- then accusations are indistinguishable from truth. The suggestion that we should put the interests of the people who are already in America ahead of the interests of millions who, for whatever reason, want to come to America is indistinguishable, to snowflakes, from calling for the gunning down of children in the streets. These kids don’t assume the odd swastika they run across on the way to the vape shop is the work of a mildly anti-social but basically apolitical thirteen-year-old (the sort of people who have always scrawled graffiti on American walls and sidewalks) but imagine it the product of invisible neo-Nazi boogeymen. Yes, they are genuinely scared -- they have swallowed the big lie whole. While one may feel a certain human pity for their naivete, nobody who needs a puppy and a coloring book to staunch the flow of tears has any right to expect to be taken seriously by an adult. An inability to cope with a reality one doesn’t like is not a virtue – it is an indication of a precarious state of mental health.

All these kids have is the ridiculous, unhealthy, teletubby world that has been constructed for them by the media and the American educational system. They have been systematically brainwashed for political reasons -- a crime on such a scale there are hardly any words for it.

The Ugliness of the Left is going to get worse before it gets better- if it is EVER capable of getting better.

The next 8 years are going to be interesting to say the least.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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