So your so-called 'God' isn't there? Well, you've just admitted that he isn't God, therefore he doesn't exist, because he isn't omnipresent - as in occupying every point in the universe simultaneously.
Helmsman of the Starfleet Intrepid-class starship USS Voyager Tom Paris once did, when he piloted a shuttle altered to travel at Warp 10. Ergo, he is God. You said it Pat, I didn't. [/smartarse]
...and how are those Blood Diamonds coming along eh, Pat?
"They just voted gawd out of their city eh? So you admit that ID is really just creationism in drag, right?"
Which is precisely what Judge John E. Jones III pointed out in his decision in Kitzmiller vs. Dover.
What ol' Patty-boy here is too senile to realise is, that - as no doubt upon his urging in 2000 & 2004 - he & his Conservative Christian, Creation-believing ilk voted in the Christian Conservative, Creation-believing George Dumbya Bush. Who in turn personally appointed the Conservative Christian John E. Jones III to the Federal bench in 2002.
The rest is history, certainly re. three years later.
Moral: Hindsight isn't 20-20 I think you'll find, Creationists in the US.
You made your own legal bed, you've got to obey Romans 13:1-5. Your own law says that Evolution is fact, Creationism - via (un)'Intelligent Design', using such as a cloaking device to commit educational perjury - is lies. Deal. With. It.
You have no choice but to do so, fundies. We Atheists can not only say 'We have the evidence. We win', we have no less than the the law on our side, to prove we're right. Are you lot prepared to say to the face of Judge Jones that he's a liar? Slander and Perjury are extremely serious offences in the eyes of a court of law, least of all it's judge. Better have a good lawyer, and money. Lots of money.