Medeea Greere #wingnut #conspiracy

Boom! Another bombshell just dropped in Japan. This isn’t some cute, quirky cultural trend or another anime craze. No, this is dark. In Takamatsu, Japan, hidden away on the island of Shikoku, replicas of the infamous Georgia Guidestones have appeared—and you’d better believe there’s a sinister agenda behind them. The stones’ message, a cryptic warning from the global elite, reeks of population control, eugenics, and, let’s be real, a massive plan to wipe out the majority of humanity. Wake up! This isn’t just some “art installation”—it’s a freaking blueprint for our destruction.

You think the location of these stones is random? Think again. These stones stand at latitude 34°20’15.13″N and longitude 134°8’21.99″E, and—get this—they’re aligned exactly with the original Georgia Guidestones. Yeah, you read that right. Takamatsu, Japan, and Elberton, Georgia, sit on the same latitude. Coincidence? Not a chance. This isn’t just some geographical fluke—it’s a carefully calculated move by the global elite to send a message: their agenda stretches across borders and oceans.

What are the odds two sets of stones, built to dictate humanity’s future, are placed on the same latitude thousands of miles apart? This is no accident. These latitude lines mark the epicenters of control. They’re not just guiding stones; they’re the elite’s signposts, warning us that our future isn’t in our hands—it’s in theirs. And spoiler alert: their version of the future looks a hell of a lot like a global prison, with the rest of us begging to survive.
But why Takamatsu? Why Japan? Well, here’s a mind-blowing fact: Takamatsu is a sister city to Elberton, Georgia—the home of the original Guidestones. Coincidence? Please. This connection is no accident. It’s part of a global web of control, stretching across continents and aiming for one terrifying goal: complete and total global governance.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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