Well all I can is that anyone who believes in a flying spaghetti monster is losing whatever credibility he had in the first place. [smug chuckling smilie]
Why, yes, Pastafarians are heretics. So are you, Carico.
The one true path is the Church of Ultros (Reformed). Bow before Octopus Royalty!
Correction Carico, anyone who mentions the Flying Spaghetti Monster should lose credibility.
What? It's a really annoying old meme. It's like the atheist equivalent of "it's a child, not a choice" or "Jesus saves." Saying it doesn't make people think any higher of you, and it makes you look like you lack wit.
So can Carico prove God is not a Flying Spaghetti Monster? Sure the Bible says God made man in His image (Gen. 1:26), but can Carico prove the Bible is God's word and not just a human invention? Better minds than hers (far better) have tried for thousands of years and haven't succeeded. If she wants to believe God is a man in a robe and a white beard like in the kiddie Bible-story books, that's fine. But if she wants to claim she's right and others are wrong, then she's going to have to prove it to those others.
So can Carico prove God is not a Flying Spaghetti Monster? Sure the Bible says God made man in His image (Gen. 1:26), but can Carico prove the Bible is God's word and not just a human invention? Better minds than hers (far better) have tried for thousands of years and haven't succeeded. If she wants to believe God is a man in a robe and a white beard like in the kiddie Bible-story books, that's fine. But if she wants to claim she's right and others are wrong, then she's going to have to prove it to those others.
Too funny! Um...Carico...I know this is hard for you to understand...but the FSM is a joke meant to illustrate the essential hypocracy of fundies fighting for the inclusion of ID in science curriculums.
I can kind of understand it when a moron fundie mistakes The Onion for truth, they are very talented writers over there, but to not get the FSM? That's just sad.
Well all I can is that anyone who believes in a
Ok, for Carico this is a fine beginning. Only 1 grammar error so far, everything is good.
flying spaghetti monster
Ok, NOW I'm beginning to worry. Does Carico not understand a basic satire concept? Eheh. Maybe it's a joke?
is losing whatever credibility he had in the first place.
CARICO! NOOO! You started out SO well too. But now you have proven that you don't understand what a "satire" or a "parody" is, which makes you even more of an idiot then/than (whichever. -_-) you were before.
Carico, it is good that you don't believe in the FSM, however my minions report that you don't believe in me either. The Devourer of Souls will be waiting for you if you don't repent. Heed my words mortal lest you die unto all eternity.
Death will slay with his wings all who disobey me
Love, Nekhbet
You ARE all HereTICS!!!!111!11!!1122233
The only true god is the Purple Oyster (of Doom), who will save us from the tyranny of she-who-pokes-holes-in-our-socks!
Follow the teachings of the PO(oD), and YOU, too, may one day polish His Magnificent Purple Shell!!!
Glory to the Purple One!
Oh, the sheer irony...
Carico, that thunderous zooming sound? That's the low-flying, enormous, lambasting point you've managed to miss entirely. Then again, you are Carico.
That's the whole point, doofus! It's just as unbelievable as any other god, and it's definitely make-believe.
So, how's your credibility now, dearie?
The phrase 'Shiny, shiny mirror' was invented just for you, Carico. Also, hear that roar of six V12 Merlin engines of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (the Spitfire, Hurricane & Lancaster) that not just flew over Buckingham Palace (in tribute to Prince William & Kate Middleton's marriage), but over your head? It represents the whole point of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, in relation to what you believe in.
@Man Called True
"Why, yes, Pastafarians are heretics. So are you, Carico.
The one true path is the Church of Ultros (Reformed). Bow before Octopus Royalty!"
Ultros: 'I was the adviser to Kate Middleton, at the selection of not only the design of her wedding dress (for her marriage to Prince William), but the jewellery she'd be wearing today. She originally wanted to wear the State Crown, but I explained that she should wear something lighter. It'd be too heavy for her on such a joyous day; it'd give her headaches, and the whole thing for her would end in tiaras !
Thank you, I'm here all week. Try the post-wedding canapes!'
Alot of people believe in a deity that is omniscient. It creates people and other minions(angels), gives them free will, and gets pissed off as if at the things they do as if it didn't know it was going to happen. If it's omniscient, it knew everything before any of it happened and let it all happen exactly as it knew it would in it's personal favor. If you worship Yahweh, you're worshipping a manipulative, capricious dick of a god.
pffft! What a pesto.
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