Evolutionists insist that the duck-billed platypus is an evolutionary link between mammals and birds right.
It pains me straight into mah soul when someone spreads liez about the most awesome animal ever, the Platypus. Anyways, could anyone tell this guy how platypii (Never where sure about the plural,) actually works.
Uhhh no.
That's like saying "Creationists insist that the banana is evidence that a creator created the universe"
Oh wait, they do insist that...
A minor correction TB Tabby. The platypus, and echidna, are monotremes; not marsupials.
And "Nasa" the monotremes are closer to being a link between reptiles and mammals. Birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs which had split from the reptiles many tens of millions of years before, and from a different line than, the monotremes and other mammals.
What pisses me off is that there are innumerable "intermediate forms", both living and extinct, including the platypus. But, the fundies just move the goal posts and bleat "that's not what we meant". They insist on some sort of impossible combination while denying the evidence before them.
Wait... What?
no seriously... WTF?
I doubt that very much, I must say.
Like scientists are really stupid, but maybe they are, maybe they experimented on themselves and discovered the fundie gene, and they all became infected with stupidity and delusions and started talking total shit
Ed Grimley
What the hell?
I very nearly sprayed milk all over my computer when I saw this. (Note to self: remember not to bring any sort of food or drink with me when visiting this site.)
What sort of person with even the most rudimentary understanding of evolutionary biology would say that?
That sounds more like something Kirk Cameron would say than any "evolutionist" -- whether by "evolutionist" you mean an evolutionary biologist (which is a perfectly fine way to use the word in the same way you call someone who studies geology a geologist) or anyone who accepts the scientific validity of the theory of evolution (which isn't an accurate use of the term, but the one creationists tend to use).
No, it is a mammal that evolved a filter-apparatus for seiving microorganisms from the water. It serves a purpose, and it's form reflects that purpose. Ducks feed the same way, and so evolved an apparatus that also serves the same purpose, and so the two have similar physiologies. It doesn't mean they're frickin' related, just that they eat the same damned thing and evolved the same means of getting food!
Incidentally, the missing link between birds and mammals is called a reptile.
Did you feel that? It was like 225,585,475 palms hitting faces, and nothing. Oh, never mind, it's just everyone in Australia after you wrote this tripe.
"Evolutionists insist that the duck-billed platypus is an evolutionary link between mammals and birds right."
Nah, that's reptiles and birds. The Platypus is conclusive proof that your so-called 'Intelligent Designer' was off his tits on industrial-strength hallucinogens when he came up with this animal.
...or that certain lifeforms evolve to adapt to a set of unique environmental conditions/circumstances. Dunaliella and Halobacteria in the hypersaline Dead Sea for example. Or, if you brought an Arctic Fox in full winter pelt into an ordinary heated home, it would be dead in minutes. It's blood chemistry is changed to such an extent, it's specialised to survive in temperatures up to -50°C.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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