Nikk #fundie
According to Ussher the universe or the begining of creation is 4004 BC. He based this off the text of the bible and did a good job of it. That would put us at 6012 years since creation.
The flood occured at 2500 BC.
Noah put 7 each of all clean animals and 2 each of all unclean. This is based on barim which is close to Family in our current classification system. So he brought on 2 dog/wolf kind onto the ark. From these two dog/wolf kind come all of the species of dog and wolves that we have today.
God did not need to miraculously create olive branches. The dove picked the branch off of a tree that was just covered by the flood water. It was a tree that was there before the flood, so no creating had to be done. The purpose of the flood was for God to kill all "flesh from the face of the earth" or land dwelling animals. This did not include trees and plant life or fish which were in the oceans.
It is the Uniformatarian dating method that gives us older dates than the 6000 years in the bible. Most modern scientist use this dating method and it ends up putting human artifacts back 10,000 plus years. So for these scientist to put a date of 8000 years on some chinese cave writting is not uncomon for their education. Unfortunately put agaist the bible the dates would be incorrect because nothing can exist before the date of creation. The question is who is wrong God or Man (scientists)?
The pyramids would have no evidence of the flood because they were built after the flood. In Socrates writting of Criteas and Timaeus, the Egyptian scibe refers to a Great Flood in their historical reccord which they were familiar with.