TURLOCK, California (AP) -- Police on Monday identified a man who was fatally shot by an officer for allegedly refusing to stop beating a toddler to death along a remote road.
Sergio Casian Aguilar, 27, parked his truck on an unlit road Saturday night, removed a 2-year-old boy from his car seat and proceeded to stomp, kick and punch the boy to death, authorities said. The boy was unrecognizable when he was pronounced dead at Emanuel Medical Center, the Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department said.
Authorities have not released the boy's name but say they believe he was Aguilar's son.
He said Aguilar had a "total hollowness in his eyes" and talked calmly of the boy being filled with "demons."
That's why the insane shouldn't breed.
More importantly, it's why religions should not be allowed access to indoctrinate the insane or feeble minded.
I'm feeling it difficult not to say "well done" to the cop, and "why didn't you shoot him sooner"...
the rule of law must be maintained where possible: this guy should have been tried and if found guilty sentenced to life. And his cell mates ought to have been informed of his crime, just as paedophiles tend to get informed on
apYrs - the impression I got is that the officer came upon Aguilar in media res. If Aguilar refused the officer's order to stop beating the child, then the officer was well within his right to shoot - provided the child was not already dead by that time, and even then if he had reasonable cause to believe that Aguilar was a danger to anyone else present.
It's so sad, though, that faith and madness can drive a person to that...
I´m not sure wether he was a fundamentalist or just fucking insane.
What IMHO is really sad is, that obviously, before the police arrived, there were several people watching the scene, but only one person really tried to stop Aguilar from continuing the beating
To be honest, this whole acount (see the link) sounds extremly insane. I would call it somehow surreal.
From the link:
Update - It appears that Robinson tried to stop the attack, trying to pull the madman away from the baby, but was repeatedly thrown to the ground by Sergio Aguilar.
Deborah McKain stated that people were hesitant to get involved because Sergio Aguilar appeared to be dangerous. It was discussed that the crazy guy stomping on the baby might have something in his pocket. Everyone agreed that the baby was gone anyways, so why stop the guy? It was decided that everyone would just wait for the cops to arrive and handle things.
In the meantime, Sergio Aguilar was asking Dan Robinson for a knife and grabbing for a pen in Dan’s shirt pocket while helping the volunteer fire chief find the hazard lights in his truck - which incidentally happened to have blood in the cab.
Once the hazard lights to his truck were turned on, Sergio went back to his baby-stomping.
That poor baby, I'm glad they killed that piece of shit. I only wish there was a hell so he could burn in it.
Oh and they should have shot everyone that stood around watching this shit happen. God, this story is gonna fuck with me all day. :o(
"Authorities have not released the boy's name but say they believe he was Aguilar's son."
And they call people who use abortion "Baby Killers"
Well done that officer. Pity the baby wasn't saved though.
The whole baby killers thing reminds me of a quote from a person arguing against abortion, although I'm fixing it slightly.
A man dies and goes up before God. He asks God a few questions. " God, why haven't people cured cancer? Why didn't you send someone to stop world hunger? Why didn't you send someone to solve the Global Warming problem?"
God replies "I did, but they were beaten to death or locked away from society by fundamentalists who thought that because they were intelligent, they were possesed by demons."
This is why fundamentalism is not 'harmless'. Even if he was insane, on crack, whatever, there was obviously enough religious doctrine in him to believe his child was a demon.
Well, hell, if the baby was possessed by demons and god whispered in Aguilar's ear to go for it, it was justified, right, fundies?
this part;
Once the hazard lights to his truck were turned on, Sergio went back to his baby-stomping.
Reminds me of when Spade Cooley beat the crap out of his wife back in the '50s and went and put on his custom made cowboy boots and came back and stomped her the rest of the way to death with them on.
I'm not sure this really counts as fundie. The man was clearly insane, and religious doctrine probably had something to do with it, but I wouldn't think that superstition alone would be enough to drive someone to this type of brutality. I'm hardly a psychiatric expert, but I'd think that, even were the man atheist, he would have done- or at least attempted- something of the sort eventually.
That poor little boy. I can't believe so few people tried to stop him- I know he rebuffed them, but- I dunno. More should have at least tried.
@ Paaria: As I understand, the cop was separated from him by a barbed wire fence or some similar obstacle and unable to reach him quickly. Considering the brutality, I'd hardly fault him for choosing to take him down quickly and decisively in hopes of saving the child.
I had read this elsewhere,cried, felt sick and had a bad nights sleep.If I came upon that scene, I wouldn't have given it a second thought,I would have taken that fucker down. Feeling sick again. Poor baby.
This sounds like a serious case of untreated mental illness. It is an example of our country's shameful neglect of our citizen's mental health. To lump this case in with the ignoramuses, opportunists, bullies and lack-wits we usually profile here just strikes me as wrong.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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