James Rink #conspiracy #magick #crackpot supersoldiertalk.com

A high strangeness continues on the coldest desert on Earth we call Antarctica. Remote viewers have been having a field day trying to see what so many governments of the world are hiding down there and refusing to talk about.

Incoming reports are somewhat similar in nature—an unearthed lost civilization found under the ice, an alien influence and presence, and the discovery of advanced technology. But a higher understanding behind this Arctic development has eluded most reporters and remote viewers alike.
“It’s really complicated,” admits E. M. Nicolay, a remote viewing expert and timeline reader who took a look at the situation for this piece (the full audio interview is below). Nicolay says he was completely taken aback at the depth of what he saw from both a spiritual and evolutionary perspective. It appears the recent discoveries emerging from this frozen continent are directly linked to past, current and future events happening in our world, especially in the Middle East. Even the lost civilization of Atlantis plays a key role.

While Antarctica is NOT Atlantis rediscovered as some might think, it was an outpost of the lost continent which went down in a cataclysm that occurred thousands of years ago after a third and final biblical-like flood. The Atlanteans had colonies all over the world where they preserved their knowledge and technology. Antarctica was one of these key outposts. This vast frozen wasteland was once a thriving fertile land with palm trees. During a prior shifting of the Earth’s axis it was instantly flash frozen, while other lands flooded over and disappeared.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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