*Taking about Serena Williams*
This just shows everyone what a classless loser this monkey is. Like the saying goes,"You can take the monkey out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the monkey." Kudos for Kimmie for destroying both those ugly monkeys. Now, women's tennis is once again gorilla-free, just like what it was always meant to be.
I wouldn't go so far to say she was robbed, her reaction was way over the line and the tournament ref said that even if it had it not been match point she would have been defaulted for that outburst. I agree, it was the wrong call/wrong time to call it but Serena can be a bitch sometimes.
Well, negroes tend to excel at sports due to their jungle heritage. Keep in mind that just a few centuries ago, these people were swinging through trees flinging coconuts at eaech other while the rest of us were building cities, developing modern science, etc. This is why the negro tends to be more agile and more physically skilled than the white man. However, if I was playing a negro at tennis, I would look for ways to outsmart her, as the negro's physical strength usually comes at the price of intellectual ability.
@ Tolpuddle Martyr
What has that got to do with it? Are you suggesting that the fine young man on that picture lacks sportsmanship. That he is outside of polite behaviour so to speak? HOW CAN YOU POSIBLY SAY THAT?!? HE'S CLEARLY IN!!!!
yes. yes I know. I couldn't resist... shame on me.
Actualy negros lack a "jungle herritage".
And coconuts were not introduced to africa untill the late 19th century.
While your palefaced ancestors were sharing a wattle and daub hut with their pigs, African negros were indeed building citys.
Only a few groups of negros inhabited the tiny jungle regions of central africa, and they were semi-nomadic, slash and burn agriculturalists who farmed the clearings.
Most negros taken by slave raiders came from the north-west.
They were generaly peasant farmers from the fertile Niger river basin.
They lived in semi stable kingdoms that had standing profssional armys and metal currency.
Am I missing something here? I always thought tennis was gorilla free. Played it myself in high school, never saw a gorilla on the court. I watch Wimbeldon on TV sometimes. No gorillas, either.
What is this douche talking about?
TRAC: Look up the Kingdoms of Ghana, Kongo and Abyssinia and get back to me.
Abyssinia's especially interesting, seeing that they handed the glorious white race's ass back to them a couple of times during the good ol' days of colonialism...
Now, women's tennis is once again gorilla-free, just like what it was always meant to be.
Hold it, didn't she come back with Venus and totally kick ass in womens doubles?
Hey, Serena is my hero. Considering the bullshit she gets forced on her all the time (She's fat, she's ugly) I'm amazed it took her this long to actually snap. Anyway, she apologized.
While your palefaced ancestors were sharing a wattle and daub hut with their pigs, African negros were indeed building citys.
Am I the only one to find this statement racist and ridiculous ?
' Like the saying goes,"You can take the monkey out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the monkey." '
Funny, I have heard of a variation of that which is probably the true original saying. The saying you typed is probably just a saying you hear among your arrogant, narcissistic, idiotic, racist friends.
You gotta admit, this woman has a couple of good points: monkeys playing tennis would be pretty awesome, and gorillas playing tennis would probably kinda suck. I vote for bee to do the latter, however.
I read this, and had a mental image of actual gorillas playing tennis, and nearly choked on my breakfast in laughter.
Also, OP needs to contract cancer of the kitten and die.
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