BettERtoreigninhell #sexist #psycho
They suck even at hating "evil men"
"If my gf would have be graped I would catch the bastard and -insert Chinese torture"
"If my daughter was molested by a predator I'd " insert medieval torture "
" if my sister bla bla bla "
Then how comes that,even living in what they call "**** culture" where according to them rapes happens anytime and anywhere, you never hear in the news "father/brother/husband/boyfriend retaliated by torturing the grapist using ancient Sumerian forgotten methods to eviscerate convicts while still alive".
If women are so wonderful why no one avenge them? Either 100% of men are cowards or deep down the appreciation for m'foid ends when something even a bit riskier than simping on reddit becomes a possibility. Mind you I'm not saying they should do Jason Statham unrealistic idiocy I criticized in my other thread but everyone can surprise attack a dude coming back home and stucking a screwdriver in his temple. Yet nobody lives up to their words. Even searching on the web you find almost nothing and 99% are fake news or larper story. Fucking clowns.
So to the bluepilled lurkers wanna be vigilantes : I could force your girlfriend/sister/mother to drink my sperm and leave her in front of your door with my address carved on her tits with a knife and you would just call the cop like a cuck and if the law can't find enough evidence to condemn me you would live the rest of your life not even daring hitting me with a light slap. I could literally live next to your house and you wouldn't do shit. As no one does and don't delude yourself of being any different because you just watched John Wick or similar garbage.