The Goddess Athena via Sharon Stewart #magick #wingnut #quack #conspiracy
Athena: And this is it. This is what advertising is about: telling you what you need to do to make it easy for you to choose. It is brainwashing.
Me: True. I can't believe the new things I've opened up to since I stopped watching TV.
Athena: The deep state takes advantage of this as well. Because you see now, there is much anxiety in your world over the covid issues. The deep state continues to stoke up fear in the masses.
All they have to do now is introduce a solution, and people will jump at it.
Me: I hope Trump intervenes before the heinous Gates anti-viral comes out.
Athena: He will.
Me: I wanted to put this message out to people to tell them that when you're born into a world that is not aligned with your life's purpose, then you are already born into a choiceless system. Every decision you make or that is made for you in your best interests, is one for the controllers, not you. Your life's purpose is to ascend, to align more with God with each successive life you live, and when you're not doing that, or the controllers of your planet actively try to stop you from doing this, every decision you make is not one you have made for yourself, unless you become conscious of your life's true purpose and work it by stepping away from the artificial control system.
Ascension is happening now whether you do it consciously or not. But there is an opposing force, which as I understand it, is not usually the case. And this force knows you better than you know yourself.
Athena: Your only option is to align with soul or align with the controllers of this world, who, by the way, are being taken out of power. You can only delay the inevitable for so long.