Laura J Worley #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #quack #mammon

Puzzle Pieces Together Presents:

“Puzzle Pieces to the Cabal, Mind Control, and Slavery”

One-Of-A-Kind Seminar

In this seminar you will discover the answers to the questions of why, how, where, when, and what has been done by the Cabal to create Mind Controlled Slaves.

This seminar has been many years in the making. It will follow closely my book, “Puzzle Pieces to The Cabal, Mind Control, and Slavery.” There will be much more in-depth information shared that could not be put into the book.
So many people have been hurt by satanic groups including the Illuminati, Witchcraft, Satanic, and the Military. Most people do not understand why or how they were hurt.

Addressing mind control and what is done to create a slave can be overwhelming when the pieces are not understood. When the mind becomes fractured and split into many compartments a person under mind control will only have a few of the pieces. This can leave a person confused, angry, and in pain.

Knowledge is everything to breaking free! With knowledge comes hope. There is always hope when faith is present. When hope and faith are present there is power. When you pull upon that power there will be endless options to heal and overcome the traumatic events of mind control, torture, and slavery.

We will show you how to put the pieces together. You will not only learn the pieces to the puzzle of the Cabal, Mind Control and Slavery; you will learn tools and methods to break free from the chains that kept you a prisoner in your own mind.

Chains are easily broken if you know how. Having the missing puzzle pieces are absolutely imperative to find lasting freedom and peace.

<3 days $599>



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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