We live in a time in which there are people of all races who MUST be offended. They are constantly watching for things by which to be offended.
They have no life...they are empty. They cannot stop themselves from doing this. When you talk to them in person or in writing, instead of paying attention to the points you're making, they are intently listening for words or phrases, even watching your actions, for anything they can take apart and be offended by. Only then are they happy and fulfilled. Such morons.
So let me see if I’ve got this straight. You’re descended from all races so you’re qualified to comment about all races being offended, and whether or not it’s warranted.
You’re also friends with Colonel-Knight-Rider, who you seem to hold in high regard, and who is offended by anything that doesn’t involve putting white, straight, Christian men front and centre of everything? Gotcha.
After what's been done to Blacks, Jews, Women, LGBT people, Atheists et al for thousands of years, time for a little Sauce for the Goose.
Can't take it, you lot never had the right to think of dishing it out in the first place.
There's an extremely good reason why the second word in 'Politically Correct ' exists.
Being Correct is the superior state to be in: as opposed to being Eternally Wrong .
Donald Fart & Bozo the Clown are the latter. As are Colonel-Knight-Rider, you OP, and all your ilk.
Via legislation etc, the Persecution of Bigots will continue until attitudes improve.
Oh but it is TERRIBLE, isn’t it, if someone does something to give offense to your mentally repulsive buddy Colonel-Knight-Rider isn’t it? I mean, there’s just so much material to go with with him in terms of offending Colonel-Knight-Rider. Let’s start with the idea he seems to have that God has a match for him. Nobody has a match for Colonel-Knight-Rider except for his right hand. He’s an unlovable, disgusting looking scarecrow of a man full of straw and bile. The only action he’s gonna get is either a lonely session right after crying into a bucket of ice cream or outright humping some poor inanimate scarecrow.
Colonel-Knight-Rider is such a slave to his parents that I bet he has to ask mommy if he can leave the house for ten minutes to go do something. And his parents I bet encourage this. His mom has the family values of an inbred hillbilly clan of cannibals, so of course she doesn’t want him going too far from home. He has to marry his cousin-sister-aunt in a few years!
You and Colonel-Knight-Rider absolutely deserve any persecution and bullying you get, and I am going to be perfectly happy to dish it all out day in and day out.
Anyone who's friends with Knight Rider needs to seriously rethink their life decisions.
BTW-I'm as white as fallen snow & the only things that really get under my pasty white skin are being told that I'm nothing but property due to ownership of a vagina, & being lumped in with those brain dead majini that vote republican. Beyond that, peoples' bad jokes & lame attempted insults slide right off.
@ Niam-did you go to school with CKR? The venom you have for this geek is unparalleled & in a perverse way, kind of impressive. I'm just curious.
yes, yes, you're pure. If someone takes offense, it can only be because THEY imputed bad intent into something you said. Couldn't possibly be that you were actually offensive, nope.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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