Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from, Transscript starting around 28:25 and ending around 31:10 of a 36-minute video)
The stories on there are absolutely heartbreaking, but there's plenty of advice about how to come off wrong sex hormones without professional help. And you only have to look at some of the detransition videos right here on youtube, to see what testosterone does to girls. The majority of transitioners don't have surgery, they only take hormones, so they're not even covered by the paper towel sites which is a review and meta-analysis of a number of studies in the US about a whole range of cosmetic surgeries undertaken by trans identifying people. From facial feminization, to hysterectomies, to genital surgery. And that's where the one percent regret figure comes from. Just that collection of studies. It's not a true reflection of transition regret.

I said

how often do we hear genderists making horrible racist analogies between black women and trans identifying men

and Taln said "the analogy 'trans women are women, just as black women are women' does not equate black women with 'men'. It explains that both black women and trans women are subsets (with some measure of overlap) of the larger sets that is women" this is just awful. Black women are not not a subset of women. There are no subsets of women. We are all adult human females. so-called trans women are not a subset of women because they are men.

I said of the michaelis article

there was the use of some extremely biased sources to make questionable assertions and the use of very loaded terms

"yeah, not like 'gender-critical feminists' at all, who constantly cherry-pick 'trans women who are bad' in order to paint trans people as a whole as bad and evil and argue against trans people being able to just live their lives" except that we don't do that, and you cannot point to a single person who has stated or implied that trans people as a whole are bad and evil and who argue against trans people just being able to live their lives. Taln, you have let your emotions get the better of you and are just blatantly lying now. I shouldn't even have to repeat what we are saying. Which is that only some men, including some trans-identifying men, are bad.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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