timjoebob #wingnut #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com
Where is it? C’mon, man, everyone is drowning in power-grid costs and nobody is talking about the supposed new energy technologies that are supposed to be released to the planet for all of humanity. As far as I’m concerned it’s every bit as important as DOGE.
Stop talking about new tech if you can’t bring it into reality. Blah blah blah. We’ve been hearing this for decades. It’s all bs if someone doesn’t prove to the world that people are actualy getting free energy technology ….. for real, to power homes and businesses.
Release it to the world free of charge. We’ll just see if this so-called Golden Age is based in reality.
Release healing technologies like MedBeds, and let’s see if the Golden Age is based in reality.
Remove evil from the planet and let’s just see if the Golden Age is based in reality.
Stop spraying chemtrails for God’s sake. Trump has done zero on this in Commiefornia. Yesterday’s skies started out clear, but by 9:00 am there was a grid plastering the once blue sky ….. literally a grid of stripes covering from horizon to horizon.
Crickets …..
Remove, permanently, MSM.
Remove the IRS. …. you get where I’m going …..
We’ll just have to wait and see ….. however, for those of us that are elderly, 70’s and beyond, waiting and seeing just doesn’t cut it.
Take it for what it is, people. It’s just another regime change. Trump and company will have to prove themselves worthy of our admiration by doing everything I’ve alluded to, or prove themselves powerless against the insurmountable evil that has gripped the planet for hundreds of thousands of years. Just who’s planet is this, anyway, ours, or the evil entity no one is allowed to talk about?
Have you noticed nothing has changed on the Left? It’s 2016 all over again. Block Trump and stifle him every step of the way. They will never stop ….. ever.
Tha Galactics need to intervene. Period. End of discussion.