[This is in response to a story about a newly discovered ancient mammal that apparently possessed skin flaps that enabled it to glide like a flying squirrel.]
More LIberal Crap
If mammals could fly--they would BE birds. The instant a mamal took flight, it was a bird, there was no mmal that flew before a bird.
This is just more typical Yahoo-Kerry-Clinton-Gore-Buchannan (yes, Buchannan who cahmpions the American "worker") style liberal crap.
There are animals other than birds that can fly (bats, insects)
There are birds that cannot fly (kiwis, penguins)
Thus, the ability to fly is not the sole defining characteristic of a bird. Please take note of this.
What about flying squirrels...bats to what about them...people fly to with airplanes, helicoptors, blimps, and various other aircraft. I guess since cows and a lot of other animals have been shiped by air they are birds to...
Hey moron, ever heard of a flying squirrel? It's a mammal, it exists nowadays, it glided like this newly discovered ancient mammal, and you can even see them in person! Also, bats. Also, sugar gliders, which are the cutest, most wonderful animals ever (short of panda bears).
Just another anti-evolution babble. This guy probably thinks of bats as birds because his magic book classifies animals as "beasts of the land, beasts of the air, beasts of the sea".
He probably also believes the sky is a solid barrier.
Um dickwad there are lots of birds where I live that can't fly. Kiwis, penguins, kakapo's, pukekos, weka ......
A live-birthing, hair-bearing, milk-producing bird? With that kind of "thinking," I'm only mildly surprised you think that Pat Buchannan is a liberal. Yeah, Pat's a liberal much in the same way a bat is a bird.
Kerry, Clinton, Gore and Buchannan are taxonomists now? This post has to be a good candidate for the Fundie Redefinition award, no?
IIIIIIIIII'm pretty sure it's a troll.
Clue 1: Calling Buchanan a liberal. Not quite enough by itself, but -
Clue 2: Complete ignorance of bats, insects, etc. Not enough by itself, but -
Clue 3: Yahoo Message Board. That's usually sufficient evidence by itself.
I believe the word in ancient Hebrew that is translated as "bird" means "flying creature" and has no real relationship to modern biological definitions. Don't blame the Bible for the limitations of the language it was written in. So in that way the poster has a point, even though I doubt that he/she knows the first thing about Hebrew.
Dear lsrn,
Bats are mammals and they fly. But, oh, I forgot... Doesn't the bible say something about a bat being a bird? But if a bat is a mammal but the bible says it's a bird, then the bible must be wrong. Whatup wit dat?
GLIDE, fundie, not FLY.
First they lose the ability to count, now to read. What next, the ability to think? Oh, wait.
MK: I considered that possibility; in fact, as Poe's Law has demonstrated, I still cannot completely rule it out. But I see a lot of trolls on those boards, from both sides of the ideological fence, and I got the distinct impression that this poster was completely serious. Utterly mad, possibly, but completely serious.
~David D.G.
Re: trolls. Sometimes I think more than half the quotes here are by trolls. Or maybe there really are that many ignorant people out there. Either way, the submissions are good for discourse. I enjoy reading how people here dismantle other people's arguments. It's good insight and further arms me against unreason.
Da-na-na-na-na-na-na-na BATS, MAN!
Oh, that's been done? Well, crap...how'd the Rocky and Bullwinkle song go?
Ye gods, looks like religion, politics and science are all mixed up together in letsstartrightnow's skull. Guess it isn't all that surprizing that he is unable to make the difference between birds and mammals, then....
@Sayna: cute critter ^^
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