Okay, I'm going to say this slowly then maybe you'll finally get it: NOBODY. LOVES. ABORTIONS. If they did, they'd encourage people to get pregnant just so they could have an abortion. But no, pro-choice people tend to advocate contraception and smart, safe sex practices, which REDUCES the amount of potential abortions. If we love abortion then we sure have a funny way of showing it. As this has been explained many times I have to conclude that either you are very dense or you are deliberately using a false emotional plea, which is a type of propaganda.
Second point, murder is a legal distinction and abortion doesn't fall under murder any more than masturbation does. If you'd kindly tell us why killing a sperm and an egg separately (which is *gasp* killing a life) is okay and is not okay when they're joined together, even if they haven't developed to the point of having a central nervous system yet, I'm all ears.
Except for reason 2 MAYBE
The fuck do you mean by "MAYBE"? You mean that if the fetus is going to kill the mother (i.e. an ectopic pregnancy), you'd still consider not letting the mother have an abortion? At least that one should have been a resounded "Yes, of course that's justified", even if you don't agree with the other 3 reasons.
Just didnt want a kid? Thats what condoms and the pill are for, when combined its almost impossible to get pregnant.
Except that too many pro-lifers also discourage the use of the pill and condoms. Luckily, you seem to not be one of those but the reality is that people are raised believing that contraceptives are wrong. You couple that with an avoidance of the topic of sex and that's a recipe for unwanted pregnancies.
Why then do we not allow people to choose to commit suicide AT will; not euthanasia, but say some one oesnt feel like living or had a tough break up, why arent they allowed to choose to kill themselves, or any other kind of muder/killing?
There's a difference between the death of an undeveloped, brainless mass of cells and the death of a fully-formed, sentient human being with complex relationships and experiences.
Fact is most people are to stupid to make proper decisions, and many make unethical and impuslive decisions
That may be true, but who else is going to make those decisions? We're the only ones that can do that. And this cuts both ways: YOU also have no right to be making other people's decisions for them because you know even less about what's best for other people than they do.
Most of those reason would be solved by adoption
Right, because we just don't have enough uncared for orphans in the world. Adoption is not a magic solution; you can't just put them up for adoption and, presto, they're suddenly happy and healthy human beings. Now, once they're born (or past a certain stage of development), there's no other choice, but when it's just a bunch of undifferentiated cells, what exactly is the problem with deciding not to put them through the misery of developing into humans who will then be parentless?
but no thats just TOO hard, just like self control is for most liberals
It's funny you should say that as I can list several conservatives who have that exact problem. Larry Craig, John Ensign, David Vitter, Ted Haggard, Roland Corning, Mark Sanford, and Mark Foley ring a bell? How about this: it's not a conservative or liberal problem, but a human problem? Nah, that gets in the way of a good witch hunt, doesn't it? By the way, how are those plans for a conservative/liberal civil war coming along, DOS?
there will NEVER be any compromis between pro-lifers and te pro choice abortion lovers
Wanna bet? I agree with you that people having abortions because they were too irresponsible to use contraception is terrible. However, I also don't see the world in black and white and I realize that 1) fetuses are not the same as fully formed human beings and fertilized eggs have almost nothing in common (apart from DNA) and 2) that abortions are going to happen regardless of their legal status (they've been happening for centuries at least) and that even if the reasons are questionable, it's better to get them done in a sterile and professional environment than with a coat hanger.