various commenters #transphobia

( old_but_gold )
I understand that the acronym TRA has some weight behind it because of the implicit comparison to “MRA” — men’s rights activism.

But it gives me pause when I consider the acronym on its own, without that implicit context.

“Trans rights activist” — someone who engages in activism for trans rights. If you broadly support human rights and you don’t know the truth of this movement, doesn’t “trans rights activism” sound pretty…good?

And the term is literally false, because they’re not fighting for the rights of trans identified people — who already have all of their human rights respected. They’re fighting to define away reality, to permit unethical surgical and chemical experimentation on the bodies of vulnerable people, and to undermine the human rights of women and homosexual people. They’re gender identity extremists, and they’re an anti-woman hate group, but they’re certainly not activists for human rights.

I still use the term TRA around people who’ll pick up on the MRA comparison, but I have found “gender identity extremist” is growing on me for use in other contexts, especially with ambivalent or uninformed people.

Am I overthinking this? How do you feel about the term “TRA”?

( Dee )
I dislike the term, along with the "trans rights are human rights" slogan, because it suggests that people who adhere to this ideology are seeking rights that other people already have. This is not what they're doing. They demand additional privileges that put the entire female sex class at risk, and they demand that children be able to make irreversible decisions before maturation.

"Gender identity extremists" seems to be a more descriptive term.

( SecondSkin )
I don’t think there needs to be a perfect term.

They are male supremacists. Transcultists. Gender ideologues. Gender groomers. Or say what they do: dismantle safeguards, take away women’s rights. Reinforce regressive sexist stereotypes.

Catch-all rhetoric, or sound bites, often become thought terminating cliches. Use the language that best describes what you want to say to whoever you want to say it to.

( Mintie )
I've seen some people use TPA on here, which stands for Trans Privilege Activists. They already have the same rights as everyone, but they're asking for what's essentially privileges that aren't afforded to the rest of the population.



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