/Men are with women and women with men so what part of this do you fags not understand./
Insults don't help your case, Frannie. And what part of "homosexuals are born that way, they can't help being attracted to members of their own gender" can't YOU understand?
/Your freaks and everything you do is against the bible./
Well, at least she's honest about it. She doesn't dislike homosexuals because they "profane the sanctity of marriage" and all that other self-righteous nonsense. She just doesn't like them because they're different from her. What an outstanding human being you are.
/You know the creator of this earth./
The Bible created the earth?
/w hat are you all trying to get out of work and want to play a womans place in life and stay home and clean up and wait for your man ./
Uh, there are male homosexuals, you know. I'm surprised you haven't realized this, since they tend to get more attention in the media than lesbians do. Besides, it's the 21st century, you mindless sheep. Not all women want to live in a "Leave it to Beaver" scenario.
/Go to weaverville there are a lot of them there up in the woods,/
/Stay away from our children for they are confused and all of this crap./
They're probably confused because they're homosexual and you morons are making life harder for them than it has to be by insisting that something that's perfectly harmless is abominable. Or it's because you idiots have forced all these nonsensical gender roles onto them, which they secretly don't agree with. You people are the ones who need to stay away from children.
/You all make me sick./
Yeah, well, you and your ilk make ME sick.
/All of you go to an island and stay there and hump each other where you belong for your no smarter than a chicken ./
I have a better idea. Why don't all of you fundies go to an island and stay there and peck at each other like chickens until you all end up dead from your own ignorant stupidity and bigotry? That way, we sane, reasonable people can go ahead and live our lives in peace without your constant, obnoxious interference.