bostick #racist #conspiracy

The European Race makes up, maximum, 45% of America.

Joe Biden already admitted that in 2017 the European Race would be the minority, and this was three years ago. If one were to look around America, they would see with their own eyes that true European Race is closer to 40% of America. The Jews are going to lie right to your face as they always do and say that it is 56%. It is not.

The Jews have incrementally assassinated the European Race down to 45% of America, and they are not going to stop. The Jews have taken over the American and European political systems by infiltrating all levels of government, and have bought ownership of the entire media and banking systems using the capital they stole from the people through usury.

To incrementally assassinate the European Race, the Jews are creating an environment in America and Europe that is hostile to the European Race by flooding European Race countries with nonwhites. Nonwhites will always be hostile to the European Race because the European Race is genetically more capable than nonwhites and all races naturally prefer their own race . Thus, the nonwhites will always think the European Race is evil and will always fight against the European Race. It is easy to see that the European Race won’t procreate in such a hostile environment.

This is what happened in South Africa. The Jews had infiltrated the political system there and stopped the Apartheid system, now the non-whites are openly killing the European Race there and this is now the South African government’s policy. The Jews are creating the same exact situation an America and Europe that the Jews created in South Africa. The Jews have taken over the entire American political system and all levels. The Jews are giving political power to nonwhites. If political power is ceded to nonwhites, there will be a slippery slope in America and Europe directly to the South Africa situation. Nonwhites are not capable enough to have power, and nonwhites naturally hate the European Race. Obama was elected and used the government to attack the European Race, and this is what all nonwhites will do if they have political power. The Jews plan to constantly incite the nonwhites against the European Race.

Nonwhites are interested in Communism and Communism only. Thus by flooding European Race nations the Jews are setting up Communism worldwide. Thus, the Jews are the enemy of the European Race and all mankind. Therefore, to prevent the Jews from incrementally assassinating the European Race and causing worldwide Communism. the European Race must have full political power. The fight of the European Race is not against the nonwhites. The nonwhites are genetically too dumb to known that the Jews are just using them to attack the European Race and to cause an environment in America and Europe that is hostile to the European Race so the European Race won’t procreate. The Jews plan to kill off 6.5 billion people worldwide so that the Jews can rule the world and enslave everyone else.

Thus, the Jews are the enemy of the European Race and all of Mankind. Therefore, the European Race must fight the Jews. This fight is political and not physical. The European Race must take the American and European governmental systems back. Nothing will happen to the Jews except that they will be sent back to Israel.

A march on Washington against the Jews is required. Everyone must know that the Jews have taken over the American and European political systems, that the Jews are incrementally assassinating the European Race and setting up European Race America and Europe to be Communist by flooding nonwhites in.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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