Ascended Dragons via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick
Greetings, humans on ascending Gaia. We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We light the fire, we ignite the codes that have been long dormant within your realm. For the light has come. We are bringers of the light, as are you, embodied humans. You bring the codes from your star homes, from your healed inner work and with your grid work you plant them. We see that your DNA is being upgraded, both individual and planetary. You are fatigued not only from this but from your external environment of change. Change is needed for ascension. You know this. It is shaking many awake. Do not become disheartened on your journey for though the peak is high you are at the summit. Soon the breezes shall be less intense and more welcoming.
I Alisheryia am speaking. Human children, feel the embrace of my blue wings and feel this blue light all around you. We are igniting the divine feminine, the voice. I have not come forward for a time for this one has needed rest and renewal. She asks for energetic upgrades.
I am Alisheryia. I have been working closely with the Pleiadians. We offer our light and strength, just as you are doing. The underground areas have been our focus of late and they are being remedied. As the planets become aligned, ensure your own alignment of inner peace and balance is strong like steel, like dragon fire, so that nothing can move this. This is your superpower, children, on ascending Gaia. Mastery of the internal ego struggle, mastery of the vast range of human emotions, this is your power. Choose love. Always love, never hate. For hate degrades steel and rusts it.