Gary, should we be forced to worship gay people next? Their lifestyle is not normal, and we are sick of their constant, endless demands of affirmation.
The only thing I'm demanding is being treated like a normal person, having the same rights as everyone else and for you to keep yourself out of my relationships and my bedroom. I have no need for worship and my absolutely reasonable demands only sicken you because you want to treat me as a lesser person for being gay and can't do that anymore. Actually you are the one who sickens me. You and other people like you.
Yes Judy. You're going to have to worship gay people all day long. Obama and Hillary's secret Gay Enforcement Squads are going to issue you a gay prayer rug and force you to pray, facing California, five times a day. You will be forced to wear a gay rosary. All the bibles will be burned and reissued with Eve genderswapped and named 'Steve.'
Judy, should we be forced to worship fundamentalist people next? Their lifestyle is not normal, and we are sick of their constant, endless demands of affirmation.
should we be forced to worship gay people next?
Are you a follower of Christ? Who had twelve men following him, two of whom were sailors ; one of said twelve kissed him? Who hardly associated with women, if ever? Who never had a girlfriend, nor did he marry one? Who wore a dress ?
And if you're a follower of Christ who uses the KJV: authorised by a monarch - King James I - who was as gay as they come , Oh I dunno: you tell me. [/Doug Piranha-levels of sarcasm]
Let us know if if you see someone actually demanding worship of gay people. THEN we'll care. And no, Tumblr DOES NOT COUNT.
Until then, you'll just come across as some crazy person.
No, we have freedom of religion, which means no-one can force you to worship anything or anyone.
Their "lifestyle" is basically the same as the heterosexual lifestyle. You're the ones imagining it to be more exotic, flamboyant or sexy than yours. Sounds more like you're jealous, actually...
As you refuse to grant them equal rights, they have to continue to demand it, you blithering idiot.
Imagine if we had just said, fifty years ago or so, "OK, homosexuals now also have equal rights. Period.", what we could have done with all the energy spent on fighting for equality and wasted on opposing it. We could perhaps have had world peace by now, cured cancer or visited Mars... But oh no, the most important thing to you was to keep persecuting people and methodically infringing on their freedoms and rights.
should we be forced to worship gay people next?
Oh, I dunno. A certain someone who hung around with twelve men , two of whom were sailors ; one of said twelve kissed him. Who hardly associated with women, if ever. Never had a girlfriend, nor did he marry one. Told others to 'Love your fellow man '. Wore a dress . Whose followers these days worship him via a book authorised by a monarch - King James I - who was as gay as they come ...?!:
image tell me.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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