Atheists, do you know how to use logic?
You are looking for evidence of god. Here it is. Everything.This world, the stars, the beginning of time, humans,animals, bugs, sun etc. Do you think all this had its beginnings in some cosmical speckles of dust?
That's dumb.
Okay, Taive, you win. Your inestimable logic has defeated Science.
I'm gonna go stand over there now.
You are looking for evidence of god. Here it is. Everything.This world, the stars, the beginning of time, humans,animals, bugs, sun etc.
So far all you've done is to indicate that those things exist. I already knew that. Congratulations on pointing out the obvious.
I agree, it is dumb to think that it was just some sprinkles of dust. It makes much more sense to think that it was an infinitely dense region of energy which by some as-yet unknown force suddenly expanded and then coalesced into matter which coalesced into stars which through the process of stellar nucleosynthesis turned into heavier elements which where then strewn across the cosmos through supernova collapses (if a supernova could properly be called a collapse) which then in turn coalesced into planets which had aqueous early surface and atmosphere conditions which also happened to be rich in organic compounds and through which early prokaryotic cells arose and then through the process of reproduction with variation over the course of several billion years became humenz which posted inane strawmen on this thing called the internetz.
But then again, what do I know, I'm just a dumb illogical atheist.
Do you think all this had its beginnings in some cosmical speckles of dust?
It's a bit simplistic (quelle surprise) but essentially, yes, that's pretty much all there is to it.
And Greyface told his followers to look around them and see all the order, to realize that the universe was ordered in nature. Which is strange, because they could have just as easily looked around and seen all the disorder around them and concluded the universe was disordered in nature.
And what we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is Underpants Gnome Logic:
The Underpants Gnome's Plan to Proving God Exists:
Step 1: Point something out that God supposedly created.
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Proof!
As an atheist I already have explanations for the world, the stars, the beginning of time , humans, animals, bugs, (the) sun etc.
And none of them involve a magical sky pixie or bronze age mythlology.
"Atheists, do you know how to use logic?"
Yeah. Shall we teach you?
Edit: Ooh, I just came up with a better comment:
You are looking for evidence of the flying spaghetti monster. Here it is. Everything. This world, the stars, the beginning of time, humans, animals, bugs, sun etc. Do you think all this had its beginnings in some cosmical speckles of dust?
Ah, the old, "I don't get it, so it didn't happen" argument.
Well, it's "a wizard did it", really, I guess.
Wow, I think you've convinced me. Let me throw off reason and logic, and cling to fairy tales and ignorance. Well, you have convinced me, alright; convinced me that fundies are morons.
Atheists, do you know how to use logic?
Yepp. Do you?
You are looking for evidence of god.
Naaa, not really. I stopped looking for "god" years ago. I know that the concept of a god must be supernatural. I don't belive in supernatural.
Here it is.
Everything. This world, the stars, the beginning of time, humans,animals, bugs, sun etc.
What? That's all you got? That's weak! Where is the logic you claimed?
Do you think all this had its beginnings in some cosmical speckles of dust?
You know what? Scientists admit it, if there is not enough evidence. Religious fuckwits just say "goddidit". Go away.
That's dumb.
I agree. Thats really dumb.
"That's dumb." is seriously the height of this person's logic?
I think it is 'dumb' to even assume time has a beginning. Causality means that there was always an event before something. God is just an idea created by people who are intimidated by the idea of infinity.
The trouble with fundies taking the "logical" approach is that they are simply so certain that their answer is correct, they just assume any logical analysis will lead to it and state as much, without ever actually bothering to carry it out and check.
Do you think all this had its beginnings in some cosmical speckles of dust?
The Cosmological Argument is useless for proving the existence of God. Even if it were true, it would only show that there was some sort of creator or creators that existed at some time in the past but may not still exist.
"Atheists, do you know how to use logic?"
I'm familiar with it, yes.
"You are looking for evidence of god. Here it is. Everything.This world, the stars, the beginning of time, humans,animals, bugs, sun etc."
I fail to see how that is evidence of any deity or, more specifically, your deity.
"Do you think all this had its beginnings in some cosmical speckles of dust?"
No, I think it's the end result of the evolutionary process to this point.
"That's dumb."
Arguments from personal incredulity are logical fallacies. Perhaps it's you that does not know how to use logic.
"Do you think all this had its beginnings in some cosmical speckles of dust?"
"That's dumb."
It may be dumb if you instantly apply your personal incredulity to the matter. I find the idea that this world had a natural origin is much more inspiring and incredible than the "Goddidit" -pseudo-explanation.
The world is evidence of the world. Unless you find a giant stamp on the bottom that says (c) 4128 B.C., YHWH (or whenever you think it was made). Then you've got a case.
"Cosmical" is not a word. Not that any of the rest of what you're saying makes any more sense.
You've provided something that could be used, theoretically, to prove that some sort of divinity exists. Maybe a group of them. You can't use it to argue for your particular god.
Atheists, do you know how to use logic?
I'm suing you for the cost of my irony meter, as well as the price of the six others I had in reserve.
Am I the only one with a broken irony meter?
This person is telling us that it makes no sense to think that the universe was made from speckles of dust... but if they believe in God, they believe that humans were made from.. well, speckles of dust.
"do you know how to use logic?
You are looking for evidence of god. Here it is. Everything.This world, the stars, the beginning of time, humans,animals, bugs, sun etc."
Cosmical speckles? Hey, thats good.
But Taive is right. It's much less dumb that an omnipotent creator (who's existence remains unexplained - cosmical dust?) thought up the social interactions of honey bees.
big whooshie, nucleosynthesis, gravity forms stars, more nucleosynthesis, supernova (more heavy elements) , more gravity planet formation, abiogenesis, biological evolution and so on.
Thor, Odin and Zeus were not required.
“Atheists, do you know how to use logic?”
I do logic puzzles for fun, so i think so. Betcha you don’t.
But go ahead. Show us what you got.
“You are looking for evidence of god.”
ASKING for it. Stopped looking. Y’all can do your own homework.
“Here it is. Everything.This world, the stars, the beginning of time, humans,animals, bugs, sun etc.”
And how is that logical evidence of gods, or a particular god?
“Do you think all this had its beginnings in some cosmical speckles of dust?”
Seems to be what the evidence shows. How do you dismiss the evidence?
“That's dumb.”
Just not in any way you can demonstrate, apparently.
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