Are you sure the church was wrong in their geocentric view?
As I understand it without dark energy the Copernican model is falsified.
That would leave the earth as the center of the universe as the simplest explanation for the practical and mathematical understanding of the universe.
The universe has no center, and the earth is on the far side of the Orion arm, nowhere near the center of the galaxy. Also, how is dark energy (matter?) connected with the Copernican model?
I... what? This surely has to be a Poe, doesn't it? Perhaps as stubbornly as he rejects... well, sanity, I simply cannot accept the thought of someone ignorant enough to disagree with heliocentricism. I'm ashamed to even be related to this guy on a species level.
Are you sure the Easter Bunny theory of eggs is wrong?
As I understand it, Dark energy is used to repel chocolate off of eggs thus allowing them to be non-sticky.
This would make non-melty eggs the most common model for understanding rabbits and semi-sweet chocolates available.
"As I understand it..."
You don't.
Fundies are getting dumber by the day. Soon we they won't be able to type at all. Or it will be just liking hitting the keyboard with a spare banana. I know it is now sometimes.
To be stupid is actually a requirement in order to become a member of a fundamentalist cult.
As I understand it, without fundie asshats we wouldn't have George Bush, Bill O'Reilly, Faux News or the Coultergeist.
No. When Copernicus submitted his model of the solar system with the sun at the center, he used his own observations through a telescope and realized that the orbit of Venus does not match the predictions made by a geocentric system.
Thus geocentrism was replaced with the theory of heliocentrism. Dark matter could not have equated into Copernicus' model because no one at the time had any idea of dark matter.
I'm sorry? What?
For Gods sake people, we don't even need dark matter or theoretical assumptions on this one, we can work these things out using a telescope. Don't you think we'd have figured this out when we send out probes to different planets?
Really, what next, the Earth being flat?
Ah wait, people do actually belive that one.
Are you sure the church was wrong in their geocentric view?
Yes. Are you so subservient to church dogma that you are not willing to discard the geocentric worldveiw, even in the face of a mountain of evidence which you yourself can personally observe?
As I understand it without dark energy the Copernican model is falsified.
Then your understanding is deeply flawed. The Copernican model predates and is not, nor was it ever, dependant of dark energy. An education is a good thing, if for no other reason than it would prevent you from once again making a fool of yourself in the future.
That would leave the earth as the center of the universe
That's a false dichotomy, even if the Copernican model was flawed then that would not make geocentrism right by default, it's not and either/or issue. On top of that none of it has anything to do with the placement of the earth in the universe.
as the simplest explanation for the practical and mathematical understanding of the universe.
And how does one arrive at that conclusion without resorting to saying "Because the bible says so!" ? You have sufficiently proved that you have neither practical or mathematical of the subject.
Copernicus published his heliocentric model in 1543.
Dark energy was only even thought of around 2000.
How could Copernicus *POSSIBLY* have based his model on it????
Also, we don't actually use Copernicus's model of the solar system anymore. Kepler refined it with elliptical orbits in the 1600s. Without those, Copernicus's system was kind of shaky.
The Copernican model is flawed - nearly, but not quite there.
It took Newton to finally explain this cosmic riddle.
@ #952651 and John_in_Oz; ICANT is not a Poe. If only. He has a posting history at EvC as long as your arm. If he is a Poe, he is extremely convincing and has dedicated the last two years to Poe-age.
He's just dumb and brainwashed is all. Scary huh? Even scarier is that he is a preacher. There are actually people out there who look to this guy as a spiritual leader. Poor bastards.
I see what he did there. He's confusing inflation with accelerated expansion (dark energy) (NOT dark matter, totally unrelated & very different).
And he's seen some discovery channel docu about how because of inflation the universe has no centre, and is confusing that with the orbit of the earth around the sun.
Technially, he's right.
The Copernican model is falsified, however it was falsified by the replacement Eisenstein model. However, neither rely on Dark Matter or Dark Energy.
The current cosmological principle in Cosmology requires both to be true, or for the either the speed of light or the force of gravity to vary over extreme distances/times. But even then the variance is mere decimal points at the end of the significant digits.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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