prove imeteors hit the earth in the last 6k to 10k yrs. My point exactly u are making unfounded assertions
Meteors hitting the Earth in the last 6K to 10K years?
There's this one...
but that was a small one...
There is also This one if you wanted something a bit larger
Of course, 10K years isn't that much on the time frames we are talking about, if you want any of the big ones you should go out a few million years.
First: It's meteors, NOT imeteors.
Second: You could find all the proof you need by using Google. No really, go search now. We'll wait. Remember, you said within the last 10k-6k years, so no cheating.
Third: Punctuation!
Do you want to destroy areas, create fiery craters, and possibly send so much dirt up in the air that the planet becomes dark and cold enough to wipe out all plant life on the planet? Try out the new Imeteor (TM)!
Once they realize they have no proof for God or God-creation they jump to this conclusion: Nothing has evidence. It's a desparate last hope argument that tries to equate the proven with the unproven, denialism at its most childish level.
So they hop onto boards and claim there's no evidence for George Washington, Nero, King Tut or people named Alex in England. It's stepping off reality even further then they were before.
Search: impact craters on Earth.
Search: proof of God
Note: only the first one actually provides sites with proof.
'Nuff said.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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