Instead of abortions - can people now just wait longer and be compensated for killing their kids and selling their parts. Could be a new market out there. Maybe even expand it from unborn kids to 4 and under.
Yes, Kidneys can fetch up to 15,000/20,000 each on the black market. This guy could be onto something...
Except 4-year-olds are, you know, alive.
Not a good word to use; even a zygote is biologically alive. The level of sentience is the key factor.
No, actually, you can only abort past the age of viability if your life is in danger.
I looked it up today because some anti-choice noob posted a paper about how "FOCA will allow late-term abortion" or some bullshit.
Brain_In_A_Jar is right. Sperm and egg cells are technically alive.
Do you know what that means?
That means you are a fucking genocidal murderer!
Well, in some countries, there is definitely a trade in organs. (And there is a demand from the richer countries.) It's very grim, regardless whether its the socialist or capitalist model. If this idiot was really worried about every life being precious, it would have different priorities.
Frighteningly there is a strong logic here
If you take the definition of viability in a strict sense, then no child under 2 is truly vible.
They cannot survive without direct human or technological assistance. In our current economic climate, such a child could not earn a living wage until much older.
So the logic used to justify abortion in the case of pre 20 weeks can be easily used to justify it before second birthday.
Now for the horrifying thought, the brain is developed enough at 11 weeks to differentiate voices.
Really? the true difference is we can see a 2 year old struggle and hear it scream as it is beng killed, that single fact cuts past all logic and makes us choose based on our emotional connection to our species.
Yet watching 700 club I was amazed at how they were praising god for a man whose church raised the money to get him to china to buy a new pair of lungs.
Yep, your sacred until you're born then they don't give a fuck about you, unless of course your brain dead.
kremlin, actually the difference is that when a mother of a 2-year-old realizes she can't deal with being a mother, she can give the child up to someone else. can't do that when you realize the same at 4 months pregnant.
the difference is being dependent on others(any others), and being physically part of one specific other.
also, a comatose human body with a rotting brain isn't a human being either. it's not a species thing, it's a consciousness thing. no cognition, no human.
If we're judging people on how much their organs will fetch and their worth to society then I'm going to start harvesting fundies.
1. They are obsessed with purity (good quality liver and kidneys)
2. They are afraid of sex (no STD's!)
3. They contribute nothing to society
That's three good reasons to start trolling the megachurches.
You just described illegal organ trade. It's obviously been done before.
EDIT : Yeah, what zits said.
Nah, if we need to start harvesting human stem cells from non zygotes(essentially a mass of stem cells) we should harvest them from adults. preferably brainless idiots such as yourself. that 4 year old COULD turn out to be a brainless idiot, but then again, he could be another newton.
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