notsofreshfeeling #transphobia #sexist #crackpot #conspiracy

RE: The underdog position

Yay, in the sense that TiMs play an important role in upholding male supremacy by performing a kind of sacred rite among males to violate and claim any space that might exclude them: single sex spaces for women, language that excludes males (e.g., "woman"), and bodies that exclude the male (i.e., female bodies). This is why you frequently find men who never made public declarations of support re: any feminist concern (abortion, domestic violence, rape) vociferously defending the "rights" of "trans women." So primal is this urge to protect their fellow penis-haver, that most don't even bother trying to make their "feminism" more believable by, say, making a fuss about abortion rights as well.

So, yes, of course men would not allow women, as a sex class, maintain an exclusive claim to sex-based oppression. They've been trying for years through Men's Rights Activism to make the case that men are oppressed by women as well, but they were failing. Transgenderism with its fancy wordplay has been the perfect language hack to create enough cognitive dissonance in people's brains for them to begin mindlessly parroting "Trans women are women." All men had to do was be willing to call themselves "women" to claim the status of underdog without actually being the underdog.

And, of course, this is where apologists would normally froth and spout murder/suicide stats among TiMs (as though 1) men don't have higher rates of murder or suicide, in general, and 2) as though men are killed because they are women). When transsexualism and cross-dressing were less socially acceptable, men were victimized because they were seen to be betraying the code of masculinity. Men responded to these TiMs as though the TiMs were provoking them, daring them. In that sense, to be a TiM has always been the most alpha male shit a man could do. TiMs don't even need masculinity; masculinity is for the weak. TiMs can dispose of masculinity and enter the underworld of forced feminization and still exude their maleness from every pore (forced feminization is, of course, pure fantasy and takes place on a symbolic level). Men need other men to show them that they will survive a feminine underworld. TiMs are like shamans for them (which makes sense since a lot of so-called "two spirit" men also played a shamanistic role within their communities).




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