[Why Catholics are not Christians]
One's pagan and one isn't
They're pretty much are, they're holidays are on pagan holidays and they believe in multiple divine entities. Heh.
Your holidays match up with sun worship dates, your chief symbol is a slightly modified sun wheel etc. Whether you worship the sun or not at the top level of your religion, it's origins are clearly rooted in sun worship.
Catholics worship that strange three-in-one God that the Christians do. Catholics worship Jesus who they say died on a cross and was resurected. They have picures of him and everything. Catholics use the Holy Bible. Catholic sermons teach about faith in and grace from the Father God.
Yes, Catholics are Christians. So are Mormons, JWs, Mennonites, Presbyterians, Anglicans, Pentacostals, Baptists, Seventh Day Adventists and many more.
Well, Christianity took several central concepts from Mithraism, all Christian denominations celebrate Christmas(as far as I know), many celebrate Halloween as well, and quite a few enjoy the Solstices. Exactly what does it take to be considered "pagan" to you? Pointy hats?
OK, stuipid question...I thought most of Christianity was an offshoot of the Catholic church. Am I wrong? And if not, how the HELL can their religion be more correct (and less pagan) than the base religion?
"They're pretty much are, they're holidays are on pagan holidays"
So, Christians don't believe in Easter or Christmas or any other holidays with pagan roots? You're really going to have to work to prove that twaddle, DN.
"and they believe in multiple divine entities. Heh."
So, Christians disavow the doctrine of the Trinity? Glad to hear it.
"Your holidays match up with sun worship dates, your chief symbol is a slightly modified sun wheel etc."
The chief symbol of both the Catholic church and Protestant sects of Christianity is the cross. Curious that the hristians would pick an instrument of torture and death as their symbol, but nonetheless, that is their symbol.
"Whether you worship the sun or not at the top level of your religion, it's origins are clearly rooted in sun worship."
I agree, some aspects of both Catholic and Protestant Christianity (particularly Christ) are rooted in pagan sun worship, but that is a similarity not a difference.
Nezu Chiza: In fact, Free Presbyterians in Scotland do not celebrate Christmas. The old-time English Puritans had a down on it, too - in Cromwell's time Christmas was officially banned. There are other sects of like mind - Jehovah's Witnesses are one, IIRC.
New what?
Study a little history, then a little more, then absorb the study. Then, realize what a dipshit you are.
oh yea, have a nice day.
OK, stuipid question...I thought most of Christianity was an offshoot of the Catholic church. Am I wrong?
All Protestant denominations of Christianity can trace their roots to Martin Luther's break-away from the Roman Catholic Church in 1530. The only non-Protestant denominations of Christianity are:
1) Catholicism, which accounts for the majority of Christians worldwide;
2) Eastern Orthodoxy;
3) Coptic Christianity; and
4) the Anglican and Episcopalian churches, which broke off from the Catholic church in a completely separate diaspora from the Protestant Reformation of Martin Luther.
What sect of Christianity do you purport to follow?
Do you celebrate Christmas?
Do you celebrate Easter?
Do you celebrate Halloween?
If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, congratulations! You, sir, celebrate pagan holidays! Congratulations! You're going STRAIGHT TO HELL!!
As a Catholic myself, I can most certainly say that we do, in fact, believe in Christ as Savior, that there is only 1 true God (with 3 aspects-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Still one God, but 3 aspects. Got it?). Our chief symbol is the cross, not a "slightly modified sun wheel," as you claim. What part of your anal cavity did you pull that out of anyways? I'm curious.
It's people like you that make me think there should be a licensing test for the privilege of free speech and expression.
At last check, non-Catholic Christians still worshipped the same holidays, at the same time, as Catholics did and still do.
Why Fundies are not Christians:
They pay waaaay too much attention to the pharisee Paul and Leviticus, as the pure humanity of Jesus' teachings is reduced to "He died for your sins."
You're all sprung from sun-worshipping beginnings. And ever hear of Paul? You get your Jesus story through him and that's the defining characteristic of Catholosism at it's beginning. You would'nt have it hadn't they developed and spread it.
And the thing about the sun is we can see it and feel it's warmth, it is in fact the lifegiver and REAL.
The shit I was fed when I was wee was that we were all catholics - but the proper ones are Roman Catholics.
I gave up trying (to fulfill others expectations) to be religious when I was 7 - about the same time I gave up believing in Santa!
All Catholics are Christians, but all Christians are not Catholics.
"They are pretty much are, they are holidays are"? Honey, learn to English before you speak up in front of grown-ups.
So, you don't celebrate anything a few days after the Winter Solstice (Dec 21). (In the Julian calendar, the Solstice was on Dec 25th.) You don't celebrate anything within a month after the Spring Equinox? You don't believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit?
All Christian faiths, except perhaps the Russian and Greek Orthodox, are clearly rooted in Catholicism.
What you said was:
"They're pretty much are, they're holidays are on pagan holidays..." which is:
"They are pretty much are, they are holidays are on pagan holidays..."
"They're" and "their", learn the difference, you stupid fucking moron!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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