@Nature_and_Race , @white_powerade & @Occidental_Rome1 #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Once this beauty is FINALLY done being under construction, I'm going to put in some serious time to take the perfect set of pictures of her, from all her best angles.

This is the kind of structures that White people, OUR PEOPLE, produce when our souls are allowed to be free. Unlike today, where the White soul is in a prison, as reflected by the garbage that currently passes for architecture.

( @white_powerade )
@Nature_and_Race This soul destroying ugly modernist architecture you lament is actually mostly jewish in origin or influenced by the works of jewish architects. It can hardly be overstated how thoroughly jewed-trough our modern world is and how alien it all is to our White Aryan collective soul, which leads to increasing alienation and detachment from our urban environments and a dampening of our spirits.

It is one of the main reasons why modern cities are so soul crushing, that every White person not yet completely dead inside feels the urge to flee them. Because the repulsive jewish spirit, the spirit of unchained commerce and economic utility without beauty or humanity, hostile to nature and life itself, manifest itself everywhere there.

( @Occidental_Rome1 )
@Nature_and_Race Even though our Race, which was tricked into Xianity, we still nonetheless hold the pantheon of architecture of beauty, balance, distinctiveness and disparity of excellence!

Nothing to be ashamed for (except being tricked and exploited as a result) but for FIGHTING FOR! That is the essence of the White struggle to survive!









So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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