The next step is to give up all public areas to the enemy and shelter in place–at home–freezing to death–in the dark–as you wait for the chopper to come chop off your head.
The solution? Guard the borders, as you were supposed to be doing in the first place. Stop the “Open Borders” FIASCO, and start MASS DEPORTATIONS and MASS REPATRIATIONS, by FORCE.
Yes you heard me rightly >> USE YOUR (OUR) MILITARY AND POLICE FORCES to REMOVE THE RECENTLY IMMIGRATED MOSLEM ENEMY FROM ALL WESTERN COUNTRIES. Other immigrants may need to be removed as well, but the moslem enemy is the priority.
This will only need to be violent if you don’t show overwhelming superiority in military force from the beginning. That will convince the moslem enemy you are serious and will reduce the numbers of casualties in the long run.
The goal is not to destroy them or even to terrorize them, but simply to put them back into their Middle East lock-box where they should have been kept from the very beginning. It is they who think their religion is so wonderful. Let them go back where they came from, and cook in it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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