Bradford C. Walker #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy
Remember those Wu Flu lockdowns killing off small businesses across the economy? This plays into the Repressive Tolerance paradigm. The businesses most likely to pick up those fired for their politics are small businesses, and not Big Corporate; kill them off until, at most, a handful remain that the Thralls can control and now those disemployments can not only stick, but actually do the intended damage and have the intended effect.
Cutting off access to infrastructure is the same idea. Wrongthink? No banking for you; no banking means no medicine, no housing, no food, etc.- especially after all phyiscal currency is removed and only digital payments are accepted. (This, by the way, is why you must resist all attempts as going cashless at all levels.) The lockdowns are a dry run.
I will note that this has happened to every country that, formally or otherwise, had a commitment to Freedom of Speech and diavowed Blasphemy as an offense- in other words, to a country that abandoned Christianity due to the Enlightenment. "Repressive Tolerance" is nothing more than an inversion of the praxis of Christianity, making it Satanic. This is Empire, and it is by the sin identified by the Supreme Dark Lord Vox Day that it begins to worm its way to what we see now.