Various TERFs #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia


I think the general theory is that TRAs were quietly changing policies in universities and more "woke" institutions/companies before 2015. When gay marriage became federal law, there were no more gay rights to advocate for, so lgbT orgs switched all their powerful and well organized efforts to trans "rights".

And considering how gay people are treated in Africa, South America, and parts of Asia, they could have put their money and time to good use! But no, I think they wanted easy work and easy money at that point. Going to other parts of the world is HARD.

I don't know how violated men feel by TIF. I'd say young guys would feel violated by a teen girl in their sex-segregated areas, and gay men don't want women chasing them. But TIF are still women and tend to lack that pushy entitlement that is more common in males. And I'm not sure if TIF get aroused by violating men's spaces. TIM totally get aroused by violating women's spaces.

I also don't think that anyone much takes TIF seriously. A woman with short hair, no makeup, in a suit and tie, whatever, it's quite a low-key visual. Put a 6'2" burly male in a dress and heels and everyone looks.

I think also, a woman wanting to be a man is almost... expected? Understandable, that she would want to be seen as the “superior” sex. While a man wanting to be a woman is a “step down,” a relinquishing of privilege, so it seems more subversive.



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